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[ y/n's pov ] 


how did i let beomgyu convince me to do this?

more importantly, how did beomgyu convince taehyun to do this?

im currently standing against the kitchen counter, gloves on my hands, an apron on, amd taehyun next to me whose wearing the same attire. i study the cake recipe beomgyu gave me, but really im focusing on the stare taehyuns sending me.

taehyun doesn't know why we're making beomgyu a cake, or more specifically why just us two are making it. i thought it was pretty obvious, but i guess it isn't.

a bunch of cake ingredients sit on the counter, thanks to taehyun who took the responsibility of getting them while i read them to him.

"so what's first?" taehyun asks, breaking the silence i was just starting to enjoy.

"uhm, pour 2/3 cups of flour into the dry ingredients bowl." i read, in a monotone voice. i place the recipe on the counter, and start digging around drawers for the 1/3 cup. taehyun opens the bag of flour, and places a huge metal bowl out for the dry ingredients.

i find the cup, and quickly put it on the counter, sliding it towards taehyun. 

"okay, next?" he asks, scooping  a third cup into the bowl, followed by another one. 

"one third of baking soda." 

"where's the baking soda?" 

"right next to the wet ingredients pile." 

"why?" taehyun arches a brow, while reaching for the baking soda.

"don't ask me, beomgyus fully incharge of the layout." i put my hands up, as if i was being arrested. it isn't fully the truth, i helped put the ingredients out, but i specifically remember beomgyu putting the baking soda out.

while im distracted reading the recipe, taehyun dumps 1/3 of baking soda into the dry ingredients. "is that all?" he asks.

"did you really think if we put flour and baking soda in a bowl, put it in the oven, we would have a cake?"

"well im bored of doing all the work," he whines.

"im literally reading the ingredients to you, all you have to do is listen." i mumble.

"then how about you do it?" he suggests, obviously trying to get out of the hardest part of making the cake.

but, since i never let down a challenge, "bet." im pretty sure he knows i never let down a challenge, that's why he worded it that way, in a way to make it seem like a challenge. me and taehyun trade places, and as i pass him, he pokes my nose with his finger. 

at first, i didn't think much of it, until i felt powder sprinkle off my nose. i look at taehyun, who's smirking behind the recipe book.

"you little.." i mutter, trailing off my words.

"so now we start the wet ingredients." taehyun says, and i still glare at him, rubbing my now itchy nose.

"three eggs, 1/4 cups of whole milk, 1/2 cups of buttermilk, and 1/2 sticks of butter." taehyun instructs, and i crack a couple eggs against the bowl. 

i notice that taehyun looks completely engrossed by the recipe, so i take my chance and hurriedly waddle over to taehyun. i hold an egg in my hand, attempting to hide it.

"what are you doi-?" i slam the egg on top of taehyuns head, getting the yolk and egg whites in his hair. it takes taehyun to comprehend what just happened, but when he does he immediately reaches over for the flour. 

and before i could blink, a handful of flour is thrown into my face. i gape my mouth open, spitting some flour out. i open my eyes, slightly shutting the, just in case i get flour im my eyes.

i reach over for the eggs, and throw one smack dab at taehyun chest, causing a small grunt to escape his mouth. i then sprinkle some flour on him too, but then throw a handful at his chest. 

"you asked for it." taehyun murmurs, slightly scaring me, but the egg and flour on his head makes him way less intimidating. 

"you started it." i frame him, which is true.

"and ill end it too." taehyun smirks, and he dumps the whole flour bag on me.

"you little-" he cracks an eggs over my head.

"little?" he asks, cracking another egg over my head.

i shift myself out the way, but he shifts along with me. i then decide to take matters into my own hands, and pounce at him. we both fall on the floor with a loud thud, and i lay on top of him. i cant tell if he has a egg shell or egg im his hand, it's either or. taehyun lets out a tiny grunt as we fall, but then he cracks an eggs over my head again. so my theory is confirmed, it's an egg.

"i should punch you." i threaten, the egg sliding down the back of my head.

"i guess it's pretty obvious who won here," taehyun wears a huge smirk on his face.

"if you mean me, then i could only agree." i flash a sarcastic toothy smile.

"then i guess you could only disagree." taehyun says, sitting up as i crawl off him. 

"beomgyus totally gonna kill us." i change the topic, looking back into the once clean kitchen. flour, eggs, and egg shells are splattered all across the kitchen.

"yes i am," beomgyu speaks, popping out the prosthetic plant in the corner of the kitchen i didn't even know was there.

"when did you-?" i start.

"i witnessed it all." beomgyu says, his eye widening when he says 'all.'

"that's unsettling." i mumble. 

"anyways," beomgyu struggles to crawl from behind the plastic plant, "do what you need to do, y/n." and with that, beomgyu walks out the kitchen.

"what does he mean?" taehyun asks arching a flour-covered eyebrow. 

i let in a deep breath, feeling my cheeks heat up under the layers of flour caked on my face. for a second, im kinda glad the flour is on my face. 

"y/n?" taehyun speaks again, and only then do i realize id zoned out.

"i like you taehyun, i think i might even love you. and it's so stupid how long it took my to figure out because-" 

taehyuns powdery lips smash against mine, and his soft, moist lips wet mine.

"you taste like flour," taehyun comments after pulling away.

"you were just throwing flour at my face."



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