[ y/n's pov ]
the camera flashes again, but i ignore it. i shut my eyes and i let myself melt into the kiss. my lips move along with taehyuns, as he guides me through it. i feel a warmth rush through my body as his other hand strokes my hair.
"HEY MOTHER FU- oh im i interrupting something?" a booming voice speaks, as the curtain of the photo booth pulls to the side. me and taehyun rip from eachothers grip, to see kai, who looks like he just witnessed a murder.
"lips sealed." huening says, imitating that he's locking his lips and throwing the key he locked his lips with. i smile awkwardly, and im sure taehyun does the same.
"anyways, we're all ready to leave, and yeonjun said he saw y'all come in here so.. yeah, hurry this up." huening traces his finger in a circle, referring to us. huening then closes the curtain, leaving me and taehyun alone again. the pictures slip out the slit, and taehyun grabs them.
he quickly scans them before cracking a smile. "where you trying to do bunny ears?" he asks, pointing to the second picture, where my finger tips barely reach above taehyuns head. i lean over to see it, and im slightly disappointed my bunny ears failed, but i also smile at the sight of it.
"maybe," i shrug, and i also glance over the other pictures.
"y/n." taehyun says out of the blue, startling me a little but i turn my attention to him. "i like you. a lot. even though i may not know you that much, or pretty much anything about you, i like you, y/n. i know you may not like me back, but just think about it, okay?"
"you can keep these," taehyun puts the strip of photos in my hands, before standing up to leave the photo booth. im too speechless to speak, so i silently follow him.
do i like taehyun?
- time skip 😋 -
i swing huenings door open, and huening looks up from his computer.
"whoa what happened?" he asks, as i close the door behind me.
"a lot." i mutter, walking over to huenimgs bed. "may i?" i ask, referring to sitting on his bed.
"as long as you spill." he negotiates.
"oh trust me," i plop myself on his bed, "i was planning on it."
i stuff myself under huening blankets, even though im in sweats, his room is awfully cold. "where do you wanna start?" huening asks, shutting his computer and placing it on his night stand.
i let out a sigh, "okay, you remember when i got shot in the foot?" i ask, like it was forgettable.
"i think that's a memory we all share," hyuka remarks, but i don't have time to snark back.
"well after that happened, taehyun opened up to me, you could say, and we started to talk more and what not." i pause, to take a deep breath, since i let it all out in one breath.
"and everytime he talked to me, my hands would get super sweaty, or my stomach would do weird stuff, or my heart would beat super fast, or all. huening what's wrong with me? he kissed me. do i like him? am i delusional? am i ill? am i-"
"y/n, you like him. not even like, you love him." huening interrupts.
"huening. i have serious medical symptoms and you think im in love with taehyun? do you know how insane you sound?" i argue back.
"do you know how clueless you sound?"
"just because i might have a fatal illness does not mean you can talk to me like this. these might be my last days."
"y/n, if love is a fatal illness to you, then so be it." he pauses, then looks me directly me in the eye, "you said your heart beats faster when your around him?"
"and my hands get extremely sweaty."
"and your stomach feels like it's flying?"
"and i can barely say what i want to say."
"y/n, your in love." huening groans, as i tilt my head.
"that doesn't make sense."
"it makes perfect sense!" hyuka groans louder than before.
"you know what? ive had enough of your disrespect towards me! i could be dying and you have the audacity to argue with me!" i pout, and huening furrows his eyebrows.
"im not arguing, im having a civilized discussion." huening drops his voice to a calm tone.
i let out a groan, before stuffing my face into huenings bed. "i don't know!" i groan into the comforter. i can feel my heart beats slightly faster when an image of taehyun pops up in my head. i lift my head from the blanket, and sit upright again.
"so? what's wrong with me?" i question hyuka after venting to him.
"nothings wrong with you, your just in love." huening says 'matter-a-fact'-ly.
"im asking beomgyu." i groan, refusing huenings answer.
"if you tell him, everyone will know before you can blink." huening calls behind me, as i stand up.
"trust me, beomgyu can keep a secret." i say, storming out of huenings room. i then march down the hall, and into beomgyus room.
i invite myself into his room, swinging the door open, but softly shutting it behind me.
"whoa, what happened this time?" beomgyu immediately asks, placing his phone on his night stand. "was it taehyun again?"
"what do you mean again?" i pout, frustratingly, while plopping onto beomgyus bed.
"i mean do you think you have cancer or heart failure because you feel weird around taehyun again?" beomgyu clears up.
"he kissed me!" i say, louder than intended. beomgyu dramatically looks around the room, as if someone was eavesdropping.
"spill." he whispers, and i immediately tell him everything.
i tell him about the roller coaster, the lady in the carousel line, how weird i feel around taehyun, the photo booth, hyuka saying im in love, you name it, i told him.
"oh my gosh," beomgyu says, his jaw wide open.
"what? do i actually have an illness?"
"i may not be an expert on this stuff, but i think huenings right." beomgyu mumbles.
"you think im inlove?" my eyes widen.
"noooo!" i groan, covering my face with my hands.
"why do you seem so upset that your in love?" beomgyu questions me, curiousity written all over his face.
"because," i pause, "i don't wanna get heart broken again."
(a/n: im so hungry)

the alleyway | k.taehyun
Fanfictionlowercase intended! -- ༊*·˚╰┈➤ make sure you vote, and check out some of my other books! -- #1 in kangtaehyunff [ 08/17/2022 ] #3 in taehyunxreader [9/10/2022] #1 in choibeomgyu [ 9/16/2022 ] #1 in taehyuntxt [ 9/25/2022 ] #1 in hueningkai [ 9/28/2...