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[ beomgyus pov + backstory ]


it all started with my sister, yooni, being stupid, and catfishing. as me.


"beomgyu! you have to go!" my older sister screams, and i storm out her room. she stomps her feet behind me.

"there's no way!" i shriek, "im not going!"

"please beomgyu! just this one time!" yooni pleads from behind me, and i storm into my room, trying to slam my door but my sister stops the door with her hands and marches into my room too.

"absolutely not! how do you get yourself in this situation?" i scream into her face.

long story short, my sister slid into some "cute guy's" dms and starting talking to him. they agreed to go on a date, but yooni found out he was gay. and since none of her information was in her bio, and her insta profile picture was me, as a joke, he thought i was her. and now she wants me to go on a date with him for her.

"i already told you! he messaged me, and of course i responded. and it turns out we live in the same area, but it turns out he's gay, and he thinks im you because of my profile picture!" my sister screams at me.

"man up and tell him your a woman!" i scream at her.

"how about you man up and go out with him!" she barks back.

"touché, but still! im not going out with some guy just because you messed up! i told you to change your profile picture! i don't even look good in that picture!" i yell, still in refusal.

"come on, beomgyu! we're like.." yooni crosses her pointer and middle finger, "this! just this once baby grill!" she yells back.

"baby grill?" i lose my guard.

"great! the date is at the sunny side café, 5:00! dont be late!" she cheers.

"absolutely not!" i disagreed, "you stole my identity! that's catfishing!"

"how'd you figure out i used your name?" yooni asks.

"YOU WHAT?!" i shriek, at the top of my lungs.

"nothing! just please go! ill get you that super-sized frog plush!" yooni bribes.

"anything for the frog plush." i say, almost in a robot tone.

"great! let me help you pick something out." she suggests with a smile, making me want to throw up.

"whose idea was it to go to a café at 5:00? half of them in this tiny town close at 6:00." i roll my eyes.

my sister turns my way with a frown, "it was my idea."

"well it was also your idea to catfish as me so i shouldn't be surprised, should i?" i glare at her, and she continues digging through my clothes with a slight pout.

"you have no good clothes." she speaks, still rummaging through my clothes.

"and you have no good taste in men." i snark back.

"well excuse me, but i don't remember you ever going in a date with anyone." she glares at me, tossing a shirt out my pile.

"fair." i shrug. she rummages through my clothes for a while, and i scroll through my twitter feed.

"okay little twinkie, i found a semi-good outfit out of your horrid closet." she smiles.

"you seem oddly excited for someone who's not even going on their own date." i say, with a disgusted look on my face.

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