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[ yeonjuns pov ]

soobin and i carry beomgyu inside, whos sleeping restfully, and it felt like a crime to wake him up. taehyun, huening, and y/n follow us into the mansion. soobin and i waste no time putting beomgyu to bed.

soobin claims that he'll treat beomgyus wounds when he wakes up.

right, the scars on beomgyus thighs. who in their right mind would crave such horrid words into such a innocent little boys legs?

i felt so upset with myself, i promised beomgyu i would protect him, no matter what. and the one time he needed me i wasn't there.

i should've went in with them. i thought to myself. if i went in with them during their mission and didn't get lost, i would've been able to protect him.

beomgyu is like a little brother to me, and seeing him get hurt, hurts me as well.

soobin, who's watching me stare at beomgyu sleep while rethinking everything. i kneel down next to the bed, to get a closer look at beomgyu, and i felt my eyes tear up.

soobin then kneels down next to me, "yeonjun, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself." he says, his cotton candy voice comforts.

"yes it is, soobin." i snap back, "if i didn't get lost during the mission, i would've been able to go with you guys and-" i let out a hiccup, "and i could've protected him." i completely breakdown. i hand my hands against my eyes as i cry, completely devastated with myself.

soobin, grows silent, and then i feel a pair or arms wrap around me as i cry. "yeonjun, you can't control what horrible people do." he speaks softly.

"but-" i hiccup, "i c-could've stopped him," i sob, and choke on my own tears.

soobin hugs me tightly, letting me cry onto his shoulder, "please don't blame yourself yeonjun, your just gonna make yourself miserable. i don't think i can bare seeing miserable, yeonjun." soobin speaks, and a warmth flows throughout my whole body. i wrap my arms around soobin too, letting myself fully into his arms.

"i love you." soobin whispers.

"i-i love you too." i say, swallowing down my tears.

(a/n: very very very very short chapter. some yeonjun content b4 we get to the real deal🤭)

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