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[ beomgyus pov ]

i wake up, to still be tied up in this chair. i cant even tell what time or day it is. my member still hangs out of my boxers, and my chest still is exposed to the cold temperature of this room. my body shivers as soon as i stir awake.

i immediately look down, wanting to cover up, but i couldn't. i then notice marker on my thighs, the words "hoe" and "whore" written in red marker. or so i thought.

my thighs then start painfully stinging, exactly where the 'marker' was used. as first i assume that im having an allergic reaction to whatever marker wooyoung scribbled on my thighs. but then i see red liquid leaking down the writing.


wooyoung craved "hoe" and "whore" into my thighs. and it looks recent to, considering the fact blood is still dripping out the slits. my body is to weak for me to react, and my eyes feel heavy again.

i let my eyelids shut, and my thighs painfully sting, but there's nothing i can do it about it. i sit in a posture of defeat, my head down and my eyes tightly shut. tears still manage to escape, and crawl down my cheeks.

just as i feel my self drifting off to sleep, i hear yelling.

"tell me where he is or ill blow your brains out!" one voice yells.

"there are no fycking second chances!" another screams.

then the voices muffle, and return to yelling.

"i'll give you one more chance! tell me where he is," a pause, "tell me where he is, or ill shove this gun in your mouth and shoot it down you throat!" the voice shrieks in anger. is that soobin? ive never heard him yell like that.

im so worn out, that i've gone delusional. im hearing voic-

before i could finish that thought, a door that i didn't know was there, swings open, revealing a bunch of light to the room. i see the silhouette of three men, and a girl. but the girl doesn't walk in the room with them, she points something, a gun i assume, and wooyoung. and then the gunshot echoes the room, not helping my already throbbing headache.

"beomgyu?" one of the voices ask, and i assume its yeonjun.

yet, i continue to hold my head low. i don't want them to see me like this.

"it's him. that's beomgyu." another voice speaks, and i think it's taehyun. his voice sounds like it's cracking. is he actually crying?

"beomgyu, please respond," the voice speaks again, and i can hear the tears fall down his face.

i want to answer, but the stupid gag is still in my mouth. so instead, i shake my head, trying to signal to them im alive. they take the signal, because i hear someone whisper, but i couldn't quite make out what they said.

before i know it, they've untied my legs and hands, and taken the gag out my mouth. still, i let my head drop. "i'm sorry." i whisper, tears rolling down my eyes. my voice sounds unstable as i say it.

yeonjun lifts me up off the chair, and wraps his arms around me. "it's not your fault." he whispers into my ear. and i let my head drop on his shoulder, letting out a sob.

"let's get you out of here," yeonjun whispers again, stroking my back, and i nod into his shoulder.

yeonjun lets go of me, leaving my weak legs to carry my weight, which doesn't work because i start to tumble. but then again, someone's hands catch me, and i look up to see who it was. soobin.

"beomgyu," he lets out in a breathy whisper, and wraps his arms around me. again, i return the hug, but since im shorter, i stuff my face into his chest. he rubs my back with his hands, and i let a couple tears fall into his shirt.

"can you walk?" soobin whispers, looking down at me. i shake my head, unable to respond verbally.

"then we'll help you out." soobin suggests, looking a yeonjun and taehyun who both nod.

"let's get you dressed, and we'll treat your wounds when we get home, okay?" soobin says, and again, i nod.

as they assist me in getting dressed, they ask me random questions.

"where you in this chair the whole time?" taehyun asks. i nod my head for no, as yeonjun helps button my shirt up.

"have you eaten anything?" soobin asks, helping put on my pants. i shake my head signaling a no, and taehyuns eyebrows furrow.

after they finish helping me out my clothes back on, soobin and yeonjun help me walk out the room, with taehyun leading us out. my eyes hurt at the sight of the bright light, but im sure ill adjust to it later. as we walk out the room, i see wooyoung laying on the ground, unconscious, laying in a blood of his own pool.

y/n is also standing at the door frame, watching me with a concerned expression. i return her look with a small smile, trying to cheer her up, but it doesn't seem to work.

we all walk out the building together, and i see huening in a the car. he's anxiously watching and waiting for us, and when he sees me, his expression slightly lightens. soobin and yeonjun stuff me into the back of the car, ali with themselves and y/n. and of course taehyun plops himself into the passenger seat.

i'm a little shocked huening is driving because i don't recall him even have a learners permit, but im too tired to bring it up. instead, i rest my head on yeonjuns shoulder, usually he would push me off, but he doesn't. instead he runs his hands through my matted hair.

the car starts moving, and i let my eyes fall shut. my body feels so drained and achy. i let my body shut down, and allow myself to go to sleep.

(a/n: hi)

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