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[ taehyuns pov ]


we run up the stair case, and the cvs walls swing back open once i get close to them. i hear footsteps behind me so i assume everyone made it out alright. and just like i asked huening too, he pulled the car closer to the cvs so it wouldn't be such a workout to get there. i rush into the car, and soobin does to. but where is beomgyu?

"uhm, boss, i think we're forgetting someone." soobin says, stating the obvious.

"maybe he's just a little bit slower?" huening suggests.

"yeah, if anything, beomgyus a fighter, he'll be able to fight he way out." yeonjun peeps from the passenger seat.

seat thief.

"let's give a couple of minutes, he'll be out any minute." huening suggests.


an hour. we waited for beomgyu for an hour. and theirs no sign of him. he hasn't even spoken into his ear piece to let us know he's alive.

"okay, im starting to get a little worried." y/n says, sitting behind the passengers seat.

"taehyun do you think woo-?" soobin starts.

"no. dont say that. maybe he's just pulling a prank." i suggest. i don't even want to think about wooyoung. all the things he did to beomgyu in the past? i don't even want to think about what would happen if wooyoung was able to get his hands on beomgyu again.

- [ beomgyus pov ] -

i wake up in a chair, in the dark. i feel rope around my feet, and hands. my feet and tied to the legs of the chair, and my hands are tied up behind me.

where am i?

"good morning, pretty boy." a voice speaks, and then a light flickers on. the light isn't bright enough for me to see anything. all i can see is the floor infront of me, and the rope the light bulb is tied onto. or a wire? my eyes and head hurt so much i can barely concentrate.

"who are you?" my eyes scatter around, looking for a person, any person.

well maybe not any person, but any person but wooyoung.

and guess who it happens to be?

"i bet you've missed me, haven't you?" wooyoung appears from the shadows, a smirk across his face.

"go to hell, wooyoung." his name comes out my mouth like venom. bitter, bitter venom. his name escapes my mouth, hatred spilled intoxicated into his name.

"as along as you come with me, sweetheart," wooyoung winks, and i have to hold my self from throwing up.

where are the others? did they make it out alive?

"what do you want from me?" i ask, bitterly and quickly. i can barely see anything so it's going to be harder to escape if i can't see any windows or doors.

"you." he says, smoothly, as if he's done this before, and im suddenly aware of how close he is to me. he's arched over just to be face-to-face with me. i glare at him, pretty sure my eyes express how much hatred i hold for him.

"get away from me," i snarl, turning my head away from his, and trying to kick his legs but the ties on my legs restrain me from doing so.

"you've always been a feisty one." wooyoung grabs my chin with his chin, and yanks my head to face his direction. i keep my eyes away from his, actually considering to spit on his face.

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