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[ beomgyus pov ]

(this chapter contains sa, if your uncomfortable with the topic i'd advise you to skip this chapter.)

i wake up, my head leaned my back my body aches from being sat in this chair all night. i widened my eyes, to see the same light bulb still on, but slightly flickering.

i look around, to see im alone, and my ankles absolutely hurt. the pain rushes up my legs.

he didn't have to tie my legs to tight. i think to myself, as i ignore the pain.

i sit in the chair, just thinking. how am i supposed to get out of here? i don't know where anything is.

just as i sink into my thoughts, i feel a hand wrap around my chin, and it lifts my head up. i see wooyoung standing over me, his eyes looking tired.

"up so early?" he asks, looks directly into my eyes. i know he wants something. but i cant read into his eyes that deep, i don't know what he wants.

i don't respond to him, and just give him the silent treatment. "you know, you've been a real prick since you've gotten here." wooyoung says, looking angryily into my eyes, but i ignore his glare.

"i think a reminder, of who your dealing with." wooyoung says, releasing my chin, and my head drops. wooyoung then walks around me, and kneels infront of me.

"w-what are you doing?" i choke out, trying not to think the worse of the situation.

"teaching you a lesson." wooyoung mutters, and lifts his head close to my face, so that we're eye to eye. wooyoung wraps his hand around me, and to the back of my head. i then feel a hand yank at my hair, causing my head to fall backwards, my chin facing the ceiling. i let out a grunt as the hand yanks harder onto my hair.

i feel a pair of lips against my jawline, and i start squirmming. i feel disgusting. "get off of me," i manage to gasp out, but wooyoung continues, sucking all across my jawline to find my sweet spot. and it doesn't take him very long to. as soon as he does, i attempt to pull my head up, but the hand yanks my hair again, forcing my head back where it was.

i shift uncomfortably all around my chair, letting out heavy breaths as wooyoung continues sucking on my soft spot. and suddenly, he bites down on it, causing my body to jerk and for me to let out a groan. wooyoung moves to my ear, and licks around my earlobe.

"stop moving so much, or your punishment will be worse." wooyoung whispers into my ear, before nibbling down on my earlobe, causing shivers down my spine.

i completely ignore what wooyoung said, and continue shifting around in the chair. my ankles hurt like hell, and i assume that their being skinned beneath the rope, because it stings. and my arms ache from being pulled behind me.

"you brought this upon yourself." wooyoung whispers into my ear again, trailing back down to my jawline.

"you disgust me." i manage to choke out, and wooyoung doesn't seem to be bothered my words. instead, he sucks down harder on my soft spot, causing my whole body to jerk upwards, and me to let out an another loud groan.

wooyoungs hand that isn't jerking at my hair, starts caressing my thigh. i attempt to close my legs, but since my legs are tied to different sides of the chair, i end up wasting my energy and causing more pain to my ankles. i let out a grunt as my left ankle stings, shooting a pain up my leg. and wooyoung caressing my leg doesn't help. at all. it makes it worse.

i try shaking wooyoungs hand off my thigh, but he ends up sliding his hand further up my thigh, and continuing to suck down my neck. i feel as if im going to throw up, my body feels as if it's not my own.

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