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( y/n's pov ) 


i stir awake in a room im not familiar with. at all. then i realize my arms, hands, and legs are tied up. i figure im in a guest room somewhere, due to the basic layout. the bed is oddly comfy, and i find myself wanting to go to sleep again. but i couldn't, i have to get out of wherever i am. 

which is probably what i need to figure out first. my left ear feels empty, so i know that someone took my earpiece. let's just hope they didn't notice until we got wherever we are. hopefully huening or someone is aware of me disappearing and tried to track it. 

before i could get to deep into my thoughts, i hear a door open and unconsciously shut my eyes. ive unofficially decided that im faking to be asleep now, which im not great at. 

i hear footsteps come into the room, but not just two, four. there's two people in the room. why? who knows.

"there she is," one voice speaks, one im not familiar.

"the lee y/n?" a deeper voice asks.


"i thought she was just a myth," the voice says again, clearly in shock. these people make me feel like a greek god or some sort of ancient artifact, and i have to stop myself from cringing.

"what are we going to do with her?" the deep voice asks again.

"what we usually do," the other voice scoffs, annoyance plainly drizzled on his tone.

"sell her?" 

"exactly. but, since everyone wants her, we'll sell her for more."  the voice suggests again, and i prevent my mouth from turning in disgust. 

"have you told boss?" 

"that's the catch, we can't."


"if he doesn't find out, we could split the money, and not have to share. then we'd get more."

"but what if we get caught?" the deeper voice rumbles nervously, and im questioning how he got in this industry. he seems very unsure about everything.

"we're not going to think about it, because it's not going to happen." the voice sasses back, and i can imagine how this is going to play out. they're either going to get caught before or after they sell me. i hope it doesn't get to that point though. 

they must've had a conversation in sign language or maybe i zoned out because not long after, their footsteps trail out the room. the door closes immediately after they exit, and i shoot my eyes open.

i don't know what im looking for, but my eyes search the room for something, anything



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