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[ y/n's pov ]

"i can't believe i got into this mess," i murmur, while crawling into the back seat, in between  hueningkai and taehyun.

"whatd you say?" huening who obviously heard me, says loudly.

"nothing, huening." i smile sarcastically.

soobin crawls into the front seat, and beomgyu in the passenger seat. "soobin don't get us in a crash," beomgyu comments snarkly.

"if you could keep your drivers license, then maybe you would be driving. but no, you got it taken, why? because you ran 15 stop lights in a row. not to mention, you drove on the opposite side of the road. im surprised you aren't dead. oh, did i mention the fact you stopped in the middle of the highway causing traffic 'for fun'?" soobin spills.

my guy has had it rough, i think to myself, trying not to laugh.

"beomgyu can't drive for sh-" huening starts.

"shut up you still have your learners permit." beomgyu barks back.

"at least i have a permit." huening snarks.

"you know, i did not come here to get violated. i came here to do this mission. now stop verbally violating me and drive, soobin."

"you started it," i hear soobin murmur before starting up the car. im pretty sure beomgyu and everyone else in the car heard it, but i guess we used telepathy and didn't say anything because if we did beomgyu would go on and on and on about how this is cyberbullying.

"huening do you have the ear pieces?" taehyun finally speaks up.

"yeah i have to connect the bluetooth before you guys get them, though." huening says, pulling some buds out his pocket, and taehyun hums in response.

not to long after the ride starts, my eyelids start to feel heavy. i end up giving up dont trying to stay awake, and just drift off into dream world.

"y/n, y/n, wake up, we're here." an unfamiliar voice calls, and i open my eyes. after a couple of seconds, i realize im leaning on taehyuns shoulder. shoot.

"sorry," i murmur, sitting up.

"it's fine, but we have to get going." taehyun says, and i look outside and take note that we're at some big mansion.

"take this," taehyun holds out a little ear piece, "you'll need this to here the others." i take the ear piece from taehyun and mumble a thank you.

"okay, you guys ready?" beomgyu pipes up.

"wait don't leave yet, im hacking into the security cameras so we'll know we're you guys are. i just need to take down this firewall real quick." huening says, typing into some computer i didnt even know he had.

"okay, you guys are all set to go!" huening looks up from his computer and flashes us a bright smile.

taehyun swings the door open, and i stick my tounge out at huening just for fun and wait for taehyun to get out the car before i do.

we both get out the car, and i wave at huening before i shut the door. i let out a breathy sigh, and glance at the building. how am i not supposed to get lost in there?!

"just stay close to me, and you won't get lost," taehyun says as if he were reading my mind.

we start walking towards the mansion, but i find it a little strange why a mansion has a whole parking lot infront of it? i shrug the thought off and we inch closer towards the mansion. we start walking up the mansion stairs, and taehyun grabs my hand, interlocking fingers with me. "if we want them to think we're a couple, we have to make it a little believable." taehyun whispers, and i can barely hear him.

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