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[ y/n's pov ]


im currently sitting in the back seat of huenings car, crammed next to taehyun and soobin. beomgyu called shotgun first (technically we called it at the same time so we did rock paper scissors and i lost), and yeonjuns sitting next to soobin.

huening driving extremely fast and almost flipping the car over every turn doesn't help my motion sickeness.

"how much longerrr" i whine, my stomach feeling icky.

"it should be 3 or 4 minutes, but at the speed huening going, 1 minute." yeonjun replies.

i saw huening as a slow driver (due to the last time he drove), but he's actually the opposite. if he wants to get somewhere, he's going to there, extremely quicker than opposed.

within seconds, we pull into the amusement park parking lot, faster than i expected we would.

"we're here!" huening smiles brightly, while jerking the car the left as he parks into a parking spot. everyone leans to the left as the car does, then we come to a sudden stop.

"who wants to drive on the way back?" beomgyu says. i forgot he had front row seats to huenings driving.

"i volunteer!" soobin shouts, obviously traumatized from the experience.

"is there something wrong with my driving?" huening pouts.

"no no no! your driving is amazing, but.. youweredrivingatleastthirtymilesoverthespeedlimitandrantworedlightsplusalmostflippedthecarovereveryturnyoutookandyoualmostkilledusjustnowwhenyoutriedtoparkthecar." yeonjun blurts.

"huh?" huening slits his head.

"what he meant to say, was that we didn't want you to get tired of driving all the time." taehyun covers for yeonjun.

"oh, we'll i'll be completely fine driving back, thanks for your concern though." huening smiles again.

"i insist i drive on the way back." soobin pleads, but still sounding like he's serious.

"if you 'insist'" huening mocks. "now let's go!" huening screams, and all the car doors swing open.

my stomach still feels uneasy from the road trip, but i convince myself that i'll be fine. i jump out the car after taehyun, and close the door behind me.

"so do we all go together?" yeonjun asks.

"we should split up." soobin chirps in.

"okay, in groups of two or three?" taehyun asks.

"two, three is two many people." beomgyu says.

"who's with who?" soobin asks.

"im with soobin!" huening immediately shouts, linking arms with soobin.

"i call beomgyu!" yeonjun shouts as well, pulling beomgyu closer to him.

"well i guess it's us two then." taehyun says, looking in my direction. for some reason, i panic on how i should respond. and i end up nodding my head, like a fool.

"okay! scatter wherever you want, be back six!" yeonjun announces.

"but it's only 10, that's eight hours," i pout.

"yep! adios!" yeonjun says, running off with beomgyu and i sigh. i turn towards huenings direction to convince him we should switch partners, but him and soobin took off too.

"well great," i mumble.

"sooo, where should we go first?" taehyun asks.

"i don't know, ive never been to an amusement park."

"never?" he repeats.

"yep, i definitely said that."

"oh, we're so going on the ferris wheel first." taehyun grabs my hand suddenly, and drags me into the amusement park. i promise you i can hear my heart beating, and he probably can too.

taehyun pays for two tickets, before dragging me into a cart on the ferris wheel.

"i don't understand why people like these so much," i groan. i can feel fluttering of butterflies in my stomach as i feel taehyun look at me while i speak.

"because the view is really pretty," taehyun speaks, keeping his eyes on me, and i return his stare.

"that's what old people say," i scoff.

"or maybe just people who dont sleep all day." taehyun corrects.

"whatever." i mumble. the cart starts moving upwards, still following the circular motion, and it's much slower than i thought. ive never ever been the person to be afraid or heights, i willingly went bungee jumping once, but oddly my stomach feels like it might crawl up my throat and out my body any second.

but at the same time, there's a warm, fluffy, fluttering feeling in my stomach.

"y/n, are you okay?" taehyun asks, studying my face with concern.

i don't know. am i okay? i always fell weird around taehyun. am i allergic to him?

"yeah im fine," i turn to look at the view taehyun claims to be pretty.


(a/n: you better put ur sneakers on!)

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