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[ y/n's pov ]


i thank soobin for the 1309th time for the mcdonalds as a stuff some fries down my throat. soobin rolls his eyes and says it's the least he could do, even though i bribed him to. after a while, i finish my mcdonalds and lay on the couch again.

"man you really are a couch potato," beomgyu comments.

"oh yeah? well this couch potato is about to arise from its couch and punch you square in the jaw if you dont shut up." i snark back.

"id like to see you try."

"oh really? come here you little.." i stand up off the couch and lung towards beomgyu.

"little? your shorter than everyone here."

"don't test me beomgyu." i glare him in the eye.

"and if i do?"

"hey y/n do you.." huening walks in and sees me staring at beomgyu, "have a minute.."

i rip my gaze off beomgyu, "yeah, this little flea was just bothering me," i pretend to swat the air.

i can feel beomgyu staring daggers at me but i ignore the feeling, and walk over to hyuka. "yeah i gotta tell you something important."

"and that is..?" i ask huening.

"why is you record so.. empty?" huening asks.

"because i hacked my record and deleted most of my information."

"are you hiding something?" he asks.

am i hiding something? your in a gang! "no, why would i?" i ask.

"do you have a reason why you deleted most of your record?"

"because with my grades and criminal record i couldn't get a job."

"criminal record?" huening rasied a brow.

"it wasn't really that big of a deal. i just got sent to jail for hacking the schools grade system and changing my grades which obviously didn't work."

"i see, last question,

would you be interested in working with us?"


(a/n: stream test me)

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