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[ y/n's pov ]


"i refuse to sing this." soobin pouts, holding the mic away from his face.

"technically, if you don't play, you lose, so we win," taehyun shrugs.

soobin, who obviously doesn't like to lose, has a totally different change of expression. "i don't know the lyrics though." he says, his eyes filled with competitiveness.

"search em' up," taehyun shrugs again.

"taehyun you act like you know the lyrics off the top of your head." yeonjun snarkly comments.

"its because i do," taehyun smirks, looking towards yeonjuns direction. me and huening make eye contact, mentally communicating that this was a bad idea.

soobin lets out a huge gasp, and everyone turns towards his direction.

"what?" we all scream, a little concern hidden in each one of our voices.

"the amount of vulgar language-" soobin starts.

"shut up and sing," taehyun says, pushing soobins microphone closer to his mouth, as taehyun starts the instrumental. apparently while no one was paying attention, he connected his phone to the speaker. so me and beomgyu sang our beautiful precious raw vocals for nothing.

"once upon a time, man i heard that i was ugly." soobin says in a robotic tone.

"CAME FROM A *** WHO-" silence. "WANNA *** ON ME" taehyun practically, not even practically, literally screams into the microphone.

"i said my face bomb, *** tight, racks stack up shaq height-"


"broke boys don't deserve no kitty-"

"I KNOW THATS RIGHT!" taehyun screams into the microphone, giving me an ear-ache.

- present -

to sum the rest of it up, yeonjun and huening passed out before they could even go, so me and beomgyu went again for fun.

and now im laying face first on the guest bed, on the verge of passing out. i just couldn't. why? maybe the fact i watched a house i was in explode a minute after i left it. not trying to blow up in my sleep.

but, since im a deep sleeper, i wouldn't really hear it.. but at the same time i might fly.

i try to roll my thoughts away, by tussling around in my bed, which doesn't really help. ive always been able sleep whenever, wherever. i usually have no issue drifting off to dreamland. unless i have something on my mind. and currently, it's something stupid.

after a while of convincing myself that im not going to explode and die in my sleep, i let my eyelids shut.

- time skip -

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINESSSSSSS!!" someone screams, but it's not from in my room. my door is closed. my eyelids flutter open, and i see no one in my room and start to think im delusional. but then i come to a conclusion that someone (beomgyu) might have ahold of the microphone downstairs.

"IF YOU DONT WAKE UP RIGHT MOW ILL-" then a bunch of noises fill the microphone, and again i assume someone snatched the microphone from beomgyu. i lazily get out of my bed, stretching. i feel extremely exhausted, so i will not be karaoking for a couple of months. i drag myself out my room, groggily reaching for the door handle, twisting it and pulling to door open.

i see a figure standing outside of my room, and shriek out of alarm, slamming the door shut again. i give my heartbeat a moment to slow down before opening to door again. i open to door slowly, to see huening, who looks almost as scared as i was.

"it's to early for your to be screaming like a maniac." huening says, his eyes unbulging.

"it's also to early for you to be standing at someone's doorway." i snark back.

"if my defense, i was going downstairs to help jump beomgyu."

"jump beomgyu? isnt it also to early for that too?" i question.

"he decided his fate when he decided to turn the speakers all the way up and wake everyone up." huening shrugs his shoulders.

"may i join?"

"if taehyun and yeonjun haven't already knocked the winds out of him, sure." huening says, continuing to walk towards the staircase with me following. since im not fully awake yet, i hold onto the stair rail for support. mainly just to slide my hand cross the rail. we walk into the living room to see beomgyu, laying on the couch, looking unconscious. i notice yeonjun, soobin, and taehyun all sitting on the stools at the counter. but i try to focus on the fact beomgyu is unconscious.

"so is he sleeping or..?" i ask looking over to the three on stools.

"yeah, we just helped him go to sleep." yeonjun jokes, obviously the one who came up with the idea of knocking him out.

"oh.. that's so thoughtful.." i say, secretly observing the other two faces. fro, what i can see, soobin is literally done with everything right now, he looks as if he wants to be asleep in beomgyus place. the dark circles under his eyes scream for just ten more minutes of sleep. while taehyun looks fully awake and alert, so i don't spend much time observing his face. if he's actually tired (which he probably is) he's extremely good at hiding it.

"me next," huening volunteers. id noticed it earlier, but huenings dark circles pop out the most. he looks extremely drained, which he probably is from staying up and supervising me and beomgyu acting like fools last night. the lack of sleep seemed to effect everyone. besides beomgyu. the impact on yeonjun knocking him out effected him.

"so who wants biscuits?" soobins drained voice speaks up, ignoring unconscious beomgyu on the couch. everyone mumbles some 'mes' and soobin stands up, starting to prepare them.

i feel a little bad for making soobin do all the cooking, so as the nice person i am, i offer to help. "absolutely not, i don't want to deal with another burnt down kitchen." soobin replies to my offer.

"another?" i question.

"if you think beomgyu hasn't burnt down a kitchen before, you don't know him well." soobin sighs, pre-heating the oven.


(a/n: hello everyone, how are you guys doing?)

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