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[ taehyuns pov ] 


i rush to the upper floor, exhausted. not only did soobin kidnap some random girl, but we also have our enemies out for us. and soobin being irresponsible and forgetting to wear his face mask outside made it easier to find us. 

i walk into my office, and my mind goes back to that girl. her name.. it sounds too.. familiar. it reminds me of the BAEKS. the leaders being jung lee and jung gieun. the most powerful mafia everyone claimed, they had the most territories ever, one after one, defeating mafias and taking their territories. but one day, they just announced they would be shutting down. no one knows why, they just did. some assume they had a kid, and others assume they were being hunted and shut down for safety. whatever the reason was, they got killed 6 years afterwards by a hitman. my dad told me we used to have an alliance with them, and most of our men came from the BAEKS, but im not even sure.

jung lee, jung gieun, and jung y/n.. what if they actually had a child? maybe it's just a coincidence? 

i shrug the thought off, and open up my computer. i start digging through some old files we have, trying to find somewhere else to locate ourselves. SKZ aren't that far from finding us, matter of fact they might be closer then we think. 

just as i start digging through files, i get a phone call from hueningkai. 

"hello?" i say, picking up the phone.

"so you see-" hueningkai starts over the phone. 

"listen, if it's about something stupid i swear-" i also get cut off.

"y/n's parents, 

jung lee and jung gieun."


(a/n: short chapter everyone, sorry😞)

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