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[ beomgyus pov ] 


after y/n finishes eating, we head towards the training room. 

"okay, what the actual heck is this?" y/n asks, looking around. 

since i was kinda used to it, the guns around the walls weren't really a surprise to me. but since not all people are used to violence, it could be a little shocking.

"it's just a training room for accuracy whenever your shooting." i simply state.

"shooting what?"

"depends on the mission, but for now we'll just be shooting targets." i say, pointing to the circular shooting targets. 

"with arrows?" she questions.

"it's not 1883, we're using guns," i say, and walk over to a wooden crate. y/n stands a little far behind me as i pull out two bebe guns. "since i don't trust you at all, we're gonna use bebe guns." i add.

"you don't trust me? aren't you the one who ate my sour skittles?" 

i suck my teeth while rolling my eyes, "leave the past in the past," i say while handing her a gun. 

"it was less than an hour ago," she adds, while accepting the gun.

"whatever," i mumble. "okay, so, the lines on the floors represent measurements and whatnot. the closet line is ten feet, which is where we're gonna start. and all the other lines behind ten feet are five feet further, so if you can't do math, then sucks to be you." i instruct, while walking y/n over to one of the shooting targets. 

"how do i use this?" y/n asks, slightly tilting her head. i let out a groan, and slide over to the shooting target next to her. 

"both of these guns are loaded so you have to be careful. so first, you cock the gun," i say while cocking my gun and she follows along. "then, you aim wherever you're aiming for, and pull the trigger." i pull the trigger on my gun, and the bullet hits smack dab in the middle of the board. 

"got it?" i ask, looking back over at y/n, who nods her head. 

"okay-" y/n's gun goes off, cutting me off. i look at her board to see a hole near the middle. 

"uhm nice job, but i wasn't finished giving instructions, like i was trying to say, you'll be shooting as far as 50 feet away from the target, okay? also each time you fire, go to the next line behind you until you get to the red one because that one's 50 feet," i continue.

"yeah yeah whatever, can i go now? this seems fun." y/n says. 

"whatever," i say, backing up and rolling my eyes, i move out of y/n's way before she starts firing.  

y/n starts firing, and surprisingly most of her bullets make it close to the middle of the board, even as she scoots back. my jaw drops as she quickly but careful aims each time, still hitting close towards the center. not after long, y/n finishes shooting and then just stands their. 

"so now what..?" she says, turning around, in my direction.

"y/n your pretty good," i say, my eyes still widened. 

"woah, stop making that face, it's scary," she fakes being scared and i roll my eyes. 

i let out a sigh, "okay, i guess we'll have huening test your technology skills." 

she hands me her gun, and i walk over back to the crate. i open the lid and put the guns inside before closing it up.

"uhm beomgyu?" y/n quietly says, and i almost don't hear her.

"hmm?" i hum.

"what if taehyun kills me anyways?"


(a/n: super lame cliffhanger but nobody cares🤭  also double update🤪

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