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[ beomgyus pov ]


"i don't get it! why did i wake up on the couch? i remember going to my room last night." i scream in yeonjuns face, who narrows his eyes at me.

"beomgyu, we've told you twice now. we knocked you out and put you on the couch." taehyun comments from behind yeonjun, obviously annoyed.

"but why?" i whine. i still have a pounding headache but i choose to bother the people who claimed to have knocked me out.

"listen. if you ask one more question i won't hesitate to blow the wind out of you again." yeonjun snarks, eyebrows furrowed in anger and his facial expression hints the slightest bit of annoyance.

"whatever you say, captian crunch." i say, finding myself my own seat. "anyways, yall excited for our mission?" i beam a smile.

"another one?" y/n's voice speaks, filled with a dreadful tone. i forgot that y/n's foot got shot on her first mission.

"yep! and there's more fighting!" i smile, taunting y/n.

"more fighting?" y/n echos, her eyes slightly widening. she's obviously trying to hide her facial expressions but she looks like a fool attempting to do so.

"oh stop over exaggerating, beomgyu." soobin finally steps in. "there's nothing to worried about. you'll be in the car for most of the mission. we're just hacking into some database and stealing some medicine. nothing we haven't done before."

"minus the fact the building is more heavily protected because the medicine is wanted everywhere, no biggie." yeonjun adds, trying to comfort y/n.

"is this supposed to make me feel better?" y/n asked, her eyes fully wide.

"it was supposed to," i hear huening murmur. and i assume no one else did, because they continue on with the conversation.

"you'll be fine y/n. just stay in thr car with huening and soobin and you'll be fine," taehyun reassures, a little better than yeonjun and soobin. y/n nods her head, still looking a little worried. i feel a little bad for making y/n feel anxious but I make sure i don't let it show.

"can we back track to the fact beomgyu is awake at 10am when he went to sleep 7 hours ago..?" huening says, one eyebrow arched. i don't know how he raises only one eyebrow, ive tried so many times in the mirror and i look.. odd.

but, what huening said isn't true, i didn't go to sleep seven hours ago. i went to sleep six hours ago. which probably isn't any better, but i was scrolling through my twitter feed for a hour just for fun. "actu-" i start.

"beomgyu doesn't seem human to me." soobin narrows his eyes at me.

"are you calling me an alien?" i ask, pretending to be offended.

"yes and no. i just mean id never be able to survive in such.. horrid conditions." soobin speaks, softening his eyes.

"horrid conditions? it's literally just si-seven hours of sleep." i try to go along with the seven hours of sleep huening established.

"right, and i slept for eight hours and my dark circles are popping out my head." soobin rolls his eyes. he's not wrong. his dark circles really do stand out.

"this conversation makes me want to go back to sleep." y/n comments, before yawning.

"then go back to sleep." i shrug my shoulders.

"bet." y/n stands from her seat, heading out of the kitchen.

"uhm no." y/n pauses, "y/n get back here. we aren't finished." taehyun speaks, glaring daggers into the back of y/n's head. im pretty sure she can feel the glare, because she immediately rushes back to the stool she was seated in.

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