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[ y/n's pov ]


unlike the last party we had a mission at, this one was very clean. no drunk people laid wasted on the floor, the air wasn't contaminated with the reeking smell of alcohol, and was pretty decent.

i did expect it to be more civilized since it is a mayors party, and almost everyone here has a handwritten invitation by the mayor himself to come. besides some people, they might've faked an invitation, or snuck in. and us? we faked ours.

"invitation please?" a man rudely asks, blocking us from merging with the crowd. before i could panic, taehyun pulls out a tiny envelope.

"it covers all of us," taehyun returns the energy, moving around the man, and everyone else follows without a word. we walk into the crowd, people bustling with conversations and bursting with laughter. ive obviously over estimated myself if i think i could find this red-head guy. 

even though he has red hair, it's almost impossible to find in this huge crowd. and since the mayor is super short with black hair and a streak of gray hairs, he blends in perfectly. 

"how are we gonna find them?" i ask, raising my voice slightly so yeonjun or taehyun could hear me. 

"them as in red head or the mayor?" soobin screams from behind yeonjun.

"either or," i reply, making my voice loud enough for him to hear. 

"ask taehyun, he's the man with the plan," soobin loudly frames, and i roll my eyes at his response. i push my way through the crowd, mumbling 'excuse me' and 'sorry' every once in awhile. right when i think ive lost taehyun, i see his side profile, and immediately know it's him. i struggle through the crowd, towards taehyun. 

"taehyun," i whisper into his ear, barely being able to reach his level because of these extremely painful heels. 

he spins around, to see me, and arches a brow.

"how are we supposed to find him?" i ask, concern written all over my face.

"it wasn't that hard," taehyun cockily remarks, signaling me to look to the left of him. not that far next to him, a bright- really bright red masked some guys hair. he was a decent height, a little taller than me if i wasn't wearing these heels. 

"oh-" i cut myself off, observing the bright red-head. obviously im observing for too long because he meets eye contact with me. i rip my gaze away from him, but i can feel his stare burning into my skull. 

"im gonna go pee," i state, even though i don't have to. taehyun gives me a weird stare.

"i could be having an amazing day without know that," he squints his eye at me in disgust. 

i roll my eyes, "i apologize for my future actions, if i get lost." i quickly rush towards the restrooms, which actually took a bit of hunting to find. i shove myself into the bathroom, and lock the door behind me.

i don't really do anything besides look myself in the mirror a couple of times, but other than that i just needed to escape whatever organized maddness was going on out there.

two minutes after i got in the bathroom someone was violently banging on the bathroom door, so i flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and rushed out the restroom.

to my surprise, it was the red-headed boy taehyun showed me earlier. we made eye contact for a beat to long, before i shifted out of his way, mumbling a 'sorry' as i passed him. i can feel his stare as i pass him, but i choose to ignore it, because staring back would be awkward. i then find myself back into the crowd me and taehyun were once in. 

i push my body through the crowd, searching for taehyun, or just anyone i know. soobins seems like he would be very easy to find due to his height, but since there's also a bunch of tall people, they made it more of a challenge.

not after long, i give up on trying to find soobin, and search for yeonjun instead. but it doesn't end as well as i want to, because almost everyone has black hair and his wearing a black suit and tie. 

before i could mentally announce my quit in the search of someone, i hear someone whisper in my ear. 

"looking for something?" my body immediately spins around, to see the same red-headed guy. 

"that was unnecessarily creepy. also, are you stalking me? that's weird." i blabber, but he seems to be in his own world.

"i feel like i know you," he says out of the blue, examining my face. 

"well, you feel wrong, so if you don't mode imma head out-" 

"aren't you jung lee and jung gieun's kid?" he cuts me off before i walk off, "you really look like gieun." 

i stare at the red head for a little longer, "it was nice speaking with you-" 

"your their kid, aren't you?" 

"are you just going to completely discard i say in this conversation?" i snap, annoyance clear in my tone. this catches him off guard, and he looks me in the eye, as if he wants me to speak.

"thank you, like i was trying to say, it was nice talking with you, but i must be on my way now." i mumble in the most respectful words i can muster up. i spin around, and continue my search that i all of sudden want to contribute in.

"waitwaitwaitwaitwait." he blabbers, putting a hand on my shoulder, stopping my movement.

i slowly turn my head, giving him a 'leave me tf alone' glare. but obviously he doesn't care because before i could blink, his hand is across my mouth, along with a cloth, and he's dragging me somewhere.


(a/n: yall i promise this is the last unnecessary traumatic experience in this book)

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