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[ y/n's pov ]

"y/n if you dont wake up right now i will slap you." a voice threatens.

"then slap me," i mumble, not really paying attention to what im saying. and i only realize what i said when someone smacks my cheek with the force of thor.

my eyes shoot open, and i sit up in my bed.

"you little skunk." my hoarse voice insults, and my eyes search across the room, to see yeonjun staring at me.

"finished?" he asked.

"finished? you slapped me!" i raise my voice, not yelling because i'm to tired for that.

"quiet down, beomgyus sleeping." yeonjun ignores the fact he just awoke me with a slap.

"well what do you want? and do i have to give you a lesson about knocking too? what if i went to sleep naked?" i bombard him with questions.

"we brought chinese take out if you want some.." he trails off, looking at me weird.

"you woke me up for flipping chinese take out?"

"we got egg rolls."

"i'll be right down." i jump out of my bed, and stretch. one of those real good stretches, when your legs shake, and your arms ache.

yeonjun spares me another weird stare before being on his way out. i finish stretching and yawning, before going to the bathroom. i rushingly scrub my teeth, then my tounge. i rinse my toothbrush off.

i rush downstairs, and into the kitchen. "y'all better have not eaten all those eggs rolls," i say, taking deep breaths because running down those never ending stairs isn't easy.

"we still have some.." soobin looks at me weird. why is everyone looking at me weirdly?

"yeah.. i don't think anyone has had any.." huening adds.

"whyd you get take out so early?" i ask, stumbling over to the boxes.

"it's three in the afternoon." yeonjun mumbles.

"for real?" i ask, my eyes widening, and i look at the clock above the microwave.


"oh my gosh." my mouth gapes open.

"you need to get out more y/n, all you do is sleep." soobin peeps.

"that's not all i do, i eat too.." i trail off.

"you know, soobins right." taehyun agrees.

"soobin also kidnapped me," i murmur, and soobin glares at me.

i'm just now aware that taehyun is staring into my soul. i mumble an apology, and look at taehyun for approval. i don't know why i'm apologizing, when soobins the one who kidnapped me.

"let's all go to the amusement park tomorrow!" huening suggests.

"that sounds fun," yeonjun says in the most monotone voice i've ever heard.

"yeah, can we?" soobin asks taehyun.

"i think it's a great idea," taehyun smiles.

his smile.

i feel my heart pumping rapidly, and my hands getting sweaty. im not sure if my face is red, but if it is i will cry.

"y/n, what do you think?" huening asks.

"i actually had plans tomorrow." i lie, rubbing my sweaty hands together.

"plans? where?" taehyun immediately questions me.

"uhm, sleeping, in my bed." i reply.

"so it's settled, we're all going to the amusement park?" taehyun ignores me.

"if everyone means everyone excluding me, then yes." i snark back, taking an egg roll of the box.

"nope, your coming with us." taehyun remarks.

"you wish," i scoff, and take a chomp out of the egg roll that's in my hand. my heart is literally ramming against my chest, and i feel like my stomach is going to burst. and i assume the solution is stuffing an egg roll down my throat.

"should i ask beomgyu if he wants to come?" yeonjun suggests.

"sure," taehyun says, and yeonjun practically flies out his seat.

"if beomgyu wants to stay, can i?" i ask.

"nope." taehyun puts an emphasis on the 'p'.

i groan, and roll my eyes, before shoving the rest of the egg roll down my throat trying to stop my stomach from feeling weird.

"why an amusement park though?" i question.

"because huening said so," taehyun is quick to reply.

"fair." huening is so adorable, but his feet.. anyways, he's so adorable and he's such a sweet pie (unless he wants something from you, then he's mean, or if your mean to him, he'll be mean back).

(a/n: filler chapter🫶 literally half of this story is made of filler chapters😭)

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