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[ y/n's pov ]

(tw: slight gore, blood, gun violence, syringes)

"im so tired." i yawn, leaning against taehyun.

"the party is almost over, we'll leave as soon as it is. just stay awake until then." taehyun replies, holding me up. we've been watching the green-tie dude and nothings happened for a good 3 hours.

"cant we just le-"as soon as i start speaking, the lights completely shut off.

"shoot," i hear taehyun murmur. "beomgyu we're gonna need back up." taehyun speaks into his ear piece.

"y/n put these on," taehyun speaks.

"put what on i cant see-"

"ugh, stay still." taehyun groans, and slides night vision glasses on my face. "can you see now?"

i nod my head and start looking around the room. "the green-tie man is gone," i say, pointing to the empty chair he was sitting in.

"darn darn darn darn darn darn, y/n hold my hand. and dont let go." taehyun emphasizes the 'dont' so i grab his hand tightly, and taehyun immediately starts pushing people around.

"where are we going?" i speak loud enough for taehyun to hear me.

"to the basement. the only way you could cut off all light sources without anyone seeing."

we push people around, and i hear a opening on, "taehyun that way!" i point towards a door that now shutting.

"shoot." taehyun mumbles, darting towards the sound. the door flies open with taehyun force, and taehyun pulls out a gun i didnt know he had. i look into the room, but get dragged down a flight of stairs.

"put the gun down," taehyun says, and i jsut now notice that the guy with the green tie is tied on a chair, and a gun is pointed towards his head, but i cant exactly see who it is. or what they look like.

"and why should i? the shares are finally mine. all i have to do is kill him, and so much money would be under my name!" the guys speaks, and man, he sounds insane. all of this is over money?

"i feel like you've misunderstood something, the shares were shifted over to his youngest son. killing him would be a waste." taehyun calmly states.

the man goes silent for an awkward amout of time. "well the , i guess i'd have to kill the whole family, wouldn't i?" and as soon as the man says that, someone storms down the basement stairs.

has beomgyu arrived? huening kai speaks through my ear, and since taehyun mutters a 'yes' im assuming he heard it too.

"your cornered, drop the gun." beomgyu speaks, and i back up behind the two.

"why should i?" the man says, holding up another gun no one even knew he had, and pointed one towards taehyun and the other towards beomgyu.

soobins coming in. huening kai says, and taehyun and beomgyu look at eachother, so we all heard it.

"now, you drop the guns, or you'll live to regret it." the man speaks.

"if you shoot me i won't live to regret anything." beomgyu says, cocking his gun.

the man's face automatically fills with fear, and i can tell his guns aren't cocked. taehyun can tell too, because when he spoke, "now put your guns down, and let's tak this out, san."

"beomgyu hit the lights." taehyun adds at the end, and san drops one gun. and then,


a piercing pain stabs my foot, and i could feel blood gushing out my foot. i groan a little, and shut my eyes tightly, before opening them again, trying not to lose my guard.

"you missed," i can tell taehyun is smirking. the lights flicker on, and beomgyus attention draws to me, and his eyes widen.

"oh, i never miss," san points his gun towards me. taehyun spins around to see blood spilled all over my foot. his eyes widened, and he spins back around, muttering some stuff under his breath. my foot gushes blood and my foot feels paralyzed. i can feel it throbbing but at the same time i can't move it. my eyes shut tightly before i open them again.

"so we're playing like this?" taehyun asks, lofton his gun again, and cocking it. "then catch." taehyun says, before a loud gun shot fills the room. the san guys drops to the floor, and taehyun puts his gun down. milliseconds after san drops, soobin rushes into the basement.

"what happ.. end?" soobin pauses after seeing me. my foot is sitting in a pool of blood, and im not even sure if i can feel my foot anymore.

"beomgyu go untie him," taehyun says, referring to the ceo guy in the green tie.

"soobin, do you have any bandages on you?" taehyun asks.

"no, but huening has a safety kit in the car, i can go get it if-"

"hurry, please" taehyun speaks, and soobin immediately runs off.

taehyun walks over to me and drops on his knees, "y/n, i need you to stay awake, okay, can you do that for me?" taehyuns voice immediately softens.

"i cant feet my foot." i state, my voice slightly cracking, and i glance over to my foot, which is a bloody mess.

"okay y/n, i know this is gonna hurt," he says while pulling out a literal pocket knife, "but we need to get the bullet out your foot or you'll never feel your foot again."

"is it gonna hurt?" i ask the most obvious question, but i just need reassurance right now.

"it's gonna hurt a little, but i promise it'll feel better when im done." taehyun slightly smiles.

"tell me when," taehyun speaks.

"when," i shut my eyes tightly, as a sharp pain travels up my leg and i let out a groan. i feel the sharp knife digging through my foot, and it doesn't feel good.

"i almsot got it, we're almost done." taehyun assures me, but all i can feel is a stinging pain through my leg, thriving from my foot.

"boss, do i use the memory syringe?" beomgyu speaks.

"lead him to his room first, then use it." taehyun speaks, and beomgyu helps the ceo up.  i can see taehyun biting the side of his cheek, before a bullet drops to the ground. a bloody bullet.

"we're done, okay? soobins gonna be here in just a minute, you need to take away, okay?" taehyun says, right as i start to feel a little bit drowsy.

"but im tired, and my foot hurts, and everything hurts. i just wanna go to sleep," i whine, my head throbbing.

"y/n your losing a lot of blood right now, and we need you to stay awake, can you do that for me?"

my eyelids feel as if they're 3 kilograms heavy, "i don't think i can.." i say, my eyelids closing.

"y/n, you need to stay awake." and as soon as he says that,

black. everything goes black.

(a/n: rhythm ta sotc (song of the century))

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