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[ y/n's pov ] 


"also, she failed the hacking test," hueningkai adds to taehyun on the phone. 

"hold up, her parents are the jung lee and jung gieun?" taehyun asks, shock in his voice. 

"uhm, yeah," hueningkai says. 

"ill be downstairs in second." taehyun hangs up the phone, leaving everyone stunned. 

"does he know my parents or something?" i ask, confused on the conversation i just witnessed.

"y/n, everyone knows your parents." beomgyu says.

"are they like pop stars or something?" i say, not knowing much about them.

"y/n do you know anything about your parents?" yeonjun asks, looking at me.

"obviously not you pookie, all i know is they got shot and killed while i was in my kitchen pantry." i say, trying to get emotional. talking about my parents has always been a hassle, since i barely know them. but sometimes, i wish i could remember more then them getting killed. 

an awkward silence fills the room, and then loud footsteps coming down the stairs fills the room. taehyun rushes into the kitchen, looking as if he ran a marathon. 

"you look like you just ran 17 miles," i say, pointing out how out of breath he is. 

ignoring my entire comment, he speaks, "you're parents are the jung lee and jung gieun?" 

"that's the third time someone's asked me, and my answer is still the same." i say, getting tired of the question.

"shoot, we gotta kill her now," taehyun says pointing to me.

"what?! why?!" soobin exclaims, standing out of his seat. 

"do you realize how many people hate her parents? if they find out we know her, or she works with us, everyone is gonna target us!" taehyun argues back. 

"but she's really good at fighting and shooting! we can't kill her because of her parents! she could work for us!" yeonjun exclaims. 

"then what do we do when everyone finds out she works with us?! hmm?!" taehyun exclaims, and me and huening kai sit next to each other, watching the drama. 

"that's an opportunity for us to get more territories! we'll just defeat them and win their territory over!" beomgyu yells, jumping out of his seat. 

"what if they find our territory and blow us up like the other time?!" taehyun screams.

other time? someone blew up their house before? 

"we have to territory hop soon anyways! it doesn't matter!" yeonjun yells. 

taehyun takes a deep breath, trying to collect himself. "if she can't do anything in action, i will shoot all of you in the throat." he says. 

everyone takes this as a sign im not going to die, and calms down, lightning the atmosphere. taehyun sits across from me and kai, and hyuka continues digging through my files on his computer. 

"actually, taehyun when are we hopping territories?" huening kai asks.

"next monday." 

"you could've just said two days.." beomgyu mumbles, and taehyun throws him a glare.

"what's a territory?" i ask, genuinely confused. 

"like an area, or house, kinda like how we're in a hidden house in an alleyway, it's a territory." huening kai says, while typing on his computer. 

"and territory hopping?" 

"it's just switching territories. every gang has their own territory, and after you defeat a gang, you get their territory. so whenever you want to go to their territory you can just pull up." hueningkai says, clearing things up for me. 

"ahh, okay," i say, somewhat understanding. 

"also just another teeny tiny little question," i say, earning a hum from huening in response, "why does everyone know my parents? and why would people target me if they found out who my parents were?" i say, unnecessarily fast.

"righttt, you didn't know your parents were in a gang before they had you," beomgyu accidentally blurts. 

"my parents what?" i say, a sarcastic smile on my face. 

"im kinda shocked you didn't find out some how, your parents were the top dogs." yeonjun states, looking a little shook.

"so they got killed because they were in gang?" i asked, a little immersed in the conversation.

"well, when you put it like that-" soobin starts.

"so yes?" i try to shorten the topic on my parents, for no specific reason. 

"technically" huening says, before soobin or anyone else could speak. 


(a/n: ending this chapter here bc if i don't it's going to turn into a chaotic mess, 

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