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[ y/n's pov ] 


"and that's what happened!" i finish explaining to huening.

"how dare beomgyu not record it!" kai pouts.

"why would you need a recording-?" 

"did y'all ever clean the kitchen?"



my arms and legs hurt from scrubbing the kitchen. im sure the floors are cleaner than they've ever been. my whole body aches as i force myself upstairs.

i finally make it to my room, crashing onto my bed. i shut my eyes tight, ready for myself to fall into dream lane, and happily, i do.


"y/n boo boo bear, you've got another mission!" yeonjun screams into my ear. my eyes open in alarm, and quickly track yeonjun.

"cant it wait?" i grumble. 

"you have like an hour to get ready and last time it took you two." yeonjun remarks.

i groan as i roll my eyes, "what is it this time?" 

"so someone from SANS is carrying around a formula we weren't able to get ahold of, and they're planning to inject it into the mayor during his unnecessarily huge celebration dinner." yeonjun blurts.

"why is the mayor celebrating?" i ask, my eyes threatening to shut back on me. 

"i don't know, some rich people nonsense." he mumbles back, "huenings got a couple of dresses for you while you were sleeping and he's been praying that they're your size so id advise you to try them out," and with that, yeonjun leaves.

it takes me a minute to gain motivation to actually stand up, but once i do i quickly head to kais room. "finally!" kai lets out a huge sigh of relief once he sees me walk through his door. "i thought you had fallen back asleep!"

i roll my eyes, but im honestly really thankfully for huening. without him and beomgyu, i wouldn't have been able to go through my previous crisis's. 

"i hope these dresses fit you well, i tried my best to get your size. but since i don't really know it, so i guessed," kai gives me way too much information.

my gaze draws to huenings bed with a bunch of beautiful dresses laid out perfectly. "oh my gosh how do i pick one?" i ask, my mouth gaped open. 

"innie minnie minie moe?" huening suggests, and i start poking fingers at the dresses. my finger finally lands on a pretty white dress. it's kinda silky like the last dress i wore, but there's a cut all the way up to the thigh of the dress.

"the white one?" kai speaks, since im just standing and admiring. i nod my head, unable to speak in excitement that i get to wear it, but also nervous about how it'll look on me. 

kai must be good at reading faces because right when he glances at my face, "don't worry y/n, you'll look great." i guess a little bit of my worry expressed on my face.

"now go try it on!" huening jokingly barks out, and i speed walk to the bathroom, scooping the dress off of huenings bed.


"HELLO HELLO!" huenings screams, stearing the car around carelessly. everyone besides huening is mushed together in the back seat, and beomgyu. since he has the luxury of shotgun, he's screaming lyrics along with kai.

"WHAT!" beomgyu shouts, alarming everyone in the car, along with huening. but kai goes along with it.




"im having a migraine." i frown.

"-WANT RIGHT NOOOOW." kai continues.




"you missed our turn," soobin groans.

"-LLO!" huening swerves the car into a u-turn, and we make our turn. beomgyu seems unbothered as per usual.




"okay, we're here," the car jerks into a stop, and kai smiles as if him and beomgyu weren't yelling their souls out.

taehyuns eyes are wider than usual, yeonjun is somehow asleep, soobin is holding onto his seatbelt like there's no tomorrow, and im pretty sure i look mortified. "y'all know what your doing?" beomgyu asks, disregarding his whole singing session.

"yeah," i manage to push out my throat.

"do you know what the guy looks like?" kai asks.

"he's probably the only person with red hair, he's easy to spot." soobin murmurs.

"okay then, someone wake up yeonjun." beomgyu points, "bye now!" 

soobin violently shakes the raven head awake, and yeonjun casts him a glare before looking out the window to see where we are. "we're here?" yeonjun asks.

"yes, now get out." taehyun groans.

everyone excluding the singing duo in the front, slides out the car doors, and shuts them behind them. "you ready?" yeonjun's tired voice asks everyone.

"absolutely not." i cast a sarcastic smile, earning an eye roll from soobin.

"great! then let's go, shall we?" 


(a/n: my obsession with war of hormone is never ending, and ty everyone for your support KDJSNABKSGAMS)

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