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[ y/n's pov ]


"again." i confirm, the memory is almost enough to make me tear up, but i hold back. beomgyu reads my expression, and softens a bit. 

"come here," beomgyu slightly pouts, and he wraps his arms around me, and i let my head drop. 

dont cry. i warn myself. 

but that's exactly what i do. 

tears stings at my cheeks as they roll down my face, and onto beomgyus clothed shoulder. "im sorry," i whisper hoarsely, and the tears unleash. "it's not even a big deal," i comment, criticizing myself for crying. 

beomgyu releases me from his hug, and raises a brow. what's not a big deal?  beomgyu asks with his eyes.

"its just some guy, i liked him and we started dated for a couple months. i found out he was cheating on me and only used me for popularity." i let out in a big breath, wiping my tears. why do i make everything more dramatic than it actually is? 

"he what? what's his full name? address? zip code? social securit-" 

"gyu!" i interrupt.

"i meant- you want cookies and cream ice cream?" 

- time skip 🫶 -

i lay droopy-eyed in my bed, because i can barely bring myself to sleep. and taehyun is what's bothering me. beomgyu has made me almost sure that im in love with him, but i don't want to be. 

what if he's lying? 

what if he just wants to use me for something like sunghoon did? 

taehyun genuinely doesn't seem like that sort of person, but sunghoon didn't either. 

i let out a groan, as my thoughts battle back and forth, and roll in my bed. my face plants into a pillow, and the blanket wraps around my body. my stomach lets out a slight gurgle, signaling im hungry. 

so of course, i fight myself out of my blankets, and head downstairs. making my way into the kitchen i notice that the kitchen light is on, which is a little suspicious because its at least one in the morning. then i notice another figure in the kitchen.


im actually tempted to turn around and run off, but he's already turned around and spotted me. "y/n?" he speaks, and i return his eye contact.

"yes?" i peep, still standing awkwardly in front of the fridge.

"why are you up so late? isn't it past your "bedtime"?" taehyun mocks, a mischievous grin crawling on to his face. 

"i should be asking you the same thing," i say, backing up to open the freezer.

"what are you doing?" taehyun asks, and i slide open the freezer door.

"what are you doing?" i reply, grabbing one of beomgyus ice cream sandwiches. 

"not stealing beomgyus ice cream sandwiches." 

"well, that's crazy because i am," i smart-mouth back.

"he's going insane on you in the morning." 

"it is the morning," i point towards the clock with my ice cream sandwich, pushing the freezer closed with my leg. 

1:19 the clock reads.

"i meant when he wakes up." taehyun rolls his eyes dramatically.

"he's playing call of duty as we speak," i take a chomp out of the ice cream sandwich. "well, ill see you when i wake up, adios." i power walk out of the kitchen, before taehyun could reply. i quietly creep up the stairs, making an occasional creak. i finally make it into my room, and plop down on my bed.

i devour beomgyus ice cream sandwich throwing the wrapper somewhere across the room. it'll bother me when i wake up, so ill be forced to pick it up and deal with it. 

shockingly, before i know it, ive wondered off into dreamland.


(a/n: hello hello (what!) hello hello (what!) tell me what you want right now (right now) hello hello (what!) hello hello (what!) imma give it to you girl right now)

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