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[ y/n's pov ]

i drag myself downstairs not long after beomgyu and soobin woke me up. the smell of pizza fills my nose, making my stomach growl quietly. i walk into the kitchen to see everyone feasting on the pizza.

"did yall even save any for me?" i ask, as i glance over to see beomgyu stuffing pizza in his mouth, and pizza sauce all over his mouth.

"yeah there's one slice in the box," beomgyu speaks through a full mouth.

literally humbled me and reminded me these are MEN. but, one slice? the disrespect. i mentally roll my eyes before taking a slice (the only slice) of pizza out the box.

i try to eat as quickly as without looking at anyone else because im trying not a lose my appetite. when i finish my slice of pizza, i excuse myself from the kitchen and quickly rush back to my room.

i shut the door behind me, and walk over to the wardrobe i examined earlier. i swing open the wardrobe doors again, and pull out some designer sweatpants and shirt. i feel a little guilty that im about to wear designer clothes to bed, but im to tried to feel guilty.

i quickly dress myself, and throw my clothes in a empty basket in the corner of the room. finally, i throw myself onto the bed and tuck myself under the covers. i switch the lamp on the night stand off, and flutter my eyes closed.

- time skip -

"Y/N GET UP." someone screams in my face, alarming me. do these mugrats always have to scream in my face?

"what do you want," i murmur, not even bothering to open my eyes.

"yeonjuns sick." the voice speaks.

"good for him? i don't care. don't wake me up for this mess," i mumble, throwing the blanket over my head.

"your going on your mission with taehyun." the voice calls out again, and im alarmed again. taehyun? the extremely scary guy? the guy that wanted to kill me? not that i care but, the guy i haven't spoke to unless it was about me dying? taehyun?

"why," i mumble, "pick someone else."

"we're all monitoring the cameras and all. so your gonna have to go with taehyun."

"is that all you woke me up for?"

"its 6 in the afternoon."

i flip the covers off of my head while opening my eyes. "what."

"yeah we gotta leave in an hour." huening speaks.

i let out a groan and stand out of the bed. "im up im up," i rub my eyes.

"you can pick out a dress and what not but you'll have to hurry because it'll take a while to do you hair and makeup." huening informs.

"okay, thank you." i bow slightly, and huening leaves, shutting the door behind him. i groan loudly and toss myself back on the bed. i decide that if i actually stay on the bed, i won't get up so immediately after i stand back up.

i drag myself towards the wardrobe, and swing the doors open, and see a back dress with a sticky note stuck to it. i rip the sticky note off and start to read it,


id advise you to wear this.
itd look go on you! :)

your dearest, huening kai.


his handwriting is pretty, i mentally compliment, and pick the dress off the hanger. the dress surprisingly looks really good, but would it look good on me? i shrug the thought off, and pick some black heels out to. this is going to be chaotic. i think to myself, and start to undress. i quickly change, knowing that i should be in a little rush.

i slide into the dress and put the heels on my carpet clenchers terrain ticklers concrete slappers oompa loopma stoompas floor crawlers lemon pepper steppers grass grippers slime snakes (feet😁).

i quickly rush out the room and into the bathroom. darn i cant do my makeup that well. i stumble down the hallway to huenings room, and lightly knock on the door. the door swings open not to afterwards. i open my mouth to speak, but huenings jaw drops.

"Y/N OH MY-" huening starts.

i slap my hand over huenings mouth, "can you do makeup?" i ask, concern slightly appearing in my face.

(a/n: added some extra special details to this chapter if yk what i mean 🤭)

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