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[ taehyuns pov ]


everytime something good happens in my life, something horrible just has to fall behind. like when i got an airhead in kindergarten, but then i scraped my knee during recess. or when i got an A+ in all my classes but then got sick for a week and had piles bigger than mount everest of work to do. and now, finding the love of my life and she gets kidnapped.

whoever is in charge of these unfortunate series of events, i don't know what i did wrong and im extremely sorry. even though i don't know why i have beef with you, i guess i just do. (if there's anyway i can pay you back i got twenty bucks.)

"taehyun! get out of your head!" huening yells, dragging me out my thoughts. for some reason, kai seems more worried than everyone else. at least that's what he thinks, im worried to death but i dont show it, at least i think i dont. 

"were you able to track her ear piece?" i ask, drifting far away from my own mind. 

"we were, but it's all the way in thailand." huening murmurs.

"what?" my eyes widen, how in the world, did a tiny little ear piece make it into another country in the span of five hours? "are you sure that's the right ear piece?" 

"im pretty sure."

"it might be someone else's, dont we have some agents in thailand?" i suggest, absolutely refusing to believe that y/n's ear piece made it to thailand in 5 hours. or worse, that y/n's in thailand.

"okay, good news, your right, it's just the agents, bad news, y/n's on the other side of the country." huening spills, and the car goes silent. 

"well that's a little better?" beomgyu suggests, but no one comments.

"take us there." i say, sounding ruder than i intended.

"it's going to take 3 hours?" huening mumbles. 

"press on the gas, we're not going to get there any faster if we sit here." i remark, and kai stuffs his computer into the backseat, along with yeonjun, soobin, and beomgyu.


"beomgyu it's your turn to drive," soobin whines, pulling the car over to a gas station.

"if beomgyu drives we'll never make it there, ill drive instead." yeonjun suggests, and beomgyu silently agrees. 

"it's only twenty minutes," kai snarks. 

"you barely drove for twelve," soobin barks back, jumping out the car. 

yeonjun exchange seats, and yeonjuns stops to get some gas before we blast off again. beomgyus still blabbering about the mcdonald fry he dropped between the car seat, but my mind won't let me focus on him. all i could think about was y/n, is she scared right now? is she asleep? is she hurt? 

and before i know it, we pull into some creepy street, with rocks in place of a road. a couple of old and worn out barns that occupy space beside the road. 

"okay, we're here." 


[ y/n's pov ] 


"we have to go!" the room door swings open, revealing the same red-head from the party, and a shorter, long blonde male. 

"theo w-"

"your not supposed to say our names! idiot!" the red-head (supposedly theo) shrieks, did they forget im in here? 

"sorry- i-" 

"get the girl off the bed and put her in the car, hurry! im not in a waiting mood!" 

"okay, theo!" the guy scrambles over to me.


"you just-" 

"shut up!" theo storms out, and im pretty sure it just dawned on him he had said his partners name. 

soul scoops me off the bed, after hesitating on how he should carry me, (he ended up throwing me over his shoulder.) we exit out the room, and i try to figure out how i could escape, but with my legs tied up the most i could do is wiggle.

soul slams me into the backseat of a truck, with a bunch of trash cluttered where legs space would usually be. he seems to have no shame in kidnapping me and throwing me into the back of a truck on, approximately, the same day.

theo hops into the drivers seat, and soul into the passenger seat. "where are we going?" theo asks.

theo aggressively starts the car, and pulls out the bumpy driveway. "you have hella questions, more than the hostage, and she doesn't even have tape of her mouth." 

"that doesn't answer my question-"

theo mumbles a couple of curses, and fixes his rear mirror. is someone following us? 

i focus on trying to untie my hands, i don't know what im going to do if i manage to untie myself, but ill feel a little better. my hands bends as my fingers search for a loose part in the tie, which im luckily able to find. i slip my pointer finger into the loose part of the knot, and yank my finger forward, some string falls, but there's one more knot i to get through. thankfully, it's one of this loose shoelace knots, so i tug my hands apart and the rope falls. 

now how to get my legs untied without being noticed? 

suddenly, the car speeds up, causing the car to bounce up and down on rocky road.

"theo, slow down a little." soul demands with worry in his tone.

"no! we're being chased! why the would i-!"

"keep your eyes on the road!" right as the words leave souls mouth, the car flies into the air, doing a couple flips, and since im not wearing a seatbelt, im being tossed around with the car. with all the trash in the back of the car tossing and turning with me, i cant see anything.

the car forcefully falls to the ground, upside down, and i dont know what it is, but something hit my head extremely hard, and my vision goes blurry.


[ taehyuns pov ] 


"y/n!" i scream, running towards the car.

everything flashes before my eyes, i run up to the car, trying to open the door, but since it's upside down it's way my difficult. but with a little more force, the door swings open and i immediately crouch down.

"y/n..?" i see clumps of trash everywhere, but most importantly, the side of y/n's head is bleeding. i feel tears sting at the rims of my eyes, as i pull my hand towards y/n's neck, checking for a pulse.

"taehyun..?" y/n whispers, and i could hardly hear her. 

"im going to get you out of here," i say through tears, and i can hear beomgyu and the others calling after me but i ignore them.

"taehyun, i love you," she whispers again.

"i love you too y/n," i pause, trying to figure out how to get y/n out this car without yanking her arm, "can you keep your eyes open?" 

"i.. im sorry," i can feel y/n crying too, "i dont wanna die."


(a/n: gr)

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