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[ taehyuns pov ] 


my butt aches from sitting in this chair for a good 12 hours straight. ive refused to leave this room (along with huening), but beomgyu, yeonjun, and soobin left to get us some mcdonalds. meanwhile, me and huening have been watching y/n in silence, and ive watched her every movement. 

i gaze across the room to see huening slumped in his chair. his mouth is wide open, threatening to start snoring any second. i choke on my laughter, before clearing my throat. i quickly take a picture for blackmail purposes. right after i put my phone away, the missing three walk through the door with bags of mcdonalds. 

"GOOD M-" beomgyu starts.

"shut. up." yeonjun hushes him.

"-orning party people," beomgyu finishes.

"is huening?-" soobin points at kai.

"yes," i answer. 

"okay, since your a picky eater, we got you one of everything on the menu." beomgyu says, holding up five food-stuffed bags. 

"who paid for that?" i ask, my eyes widening.

"you," beomgyu mumbles, placing the five bags on a table. 



"you don't even have my credit card?" i say, confused.

"soobin stole it." yeonjun frames.

"soobin what?" i spin my head towards soobin, who's avoiding eye contact with me.

"soobins innocent," soobin mutters.

"soobins about to get punched." 

"it's just mcdonalds!" he defends.

i let out a sigh, "how much was it?" 

"two hundred fifty eight dollars and seventy six cents" 

"for mcdonalds?!" 

"getting everything on the menu isn't cheap." 

"i would slap yo-" 

"okay let's not get violent." yeonjun interrupts, "let's all eat." 

"that's an ironic thing to hear you say." beomgyu mumbles. 

"excuse m-" 

"lEtS nOt GeT vIoLeNt" i mock, and yeonjun glares at me. 

just on time, huening lets out the loudest, ear-aching, monstrous, snore. everyone spins their head towards huening. and the back towards eachother.

"are you thinking what im thinking?" soobin asks everyone.

"if you're thinking that we should stuff fries in huenings mouth, then yes." beomgyu says.

we all exchange glances, silently agreeing to do it. i stand from my seat and start digging through mcdonalds bags for some fries, and once i do, i grab it out the bag. everyone else has a thing of fries. 

"okay what order are we going in?" yeonjun asks.

"none, just count how many fries you stuff in his mouth, whoever stuffs the most in his mouth gets five dollars from everyone."

"bet," we simultaneously agree.

"three, two, one." and on one, everyone starts stuffing fries in huenings mouth. 



three, four


six, seven, eight, nine

ten, eleven

twelve, thirteen





eighteen, nineteen, twenty

twenty one.

huening jerks awake, fries flying out his mouth but some stay. he takes a second to realize what we were doing, then he looks at us like we're insane.

"how many did you get?" soobin asks beomgyu.


"and you?" soobin questions yeonjun next.

"twenty," yeonjun smirks.

"twenty one," i say before soobin could ask me. 

"you all suck," soobin mutters, "i got nine." 

"only nine?" beomgyu snorts.

"taehyun was literally doing three at a time!" 

"you never said i couldn't," i shrug.

"why." huening interrupts our argument, "were you stuffing fries in my mouth?"

"why were you sleeping with your mouth open?" yeonjun barks back.

"was not." kai refuses to believe yeonjun.

"you let out the most bloody snore ever." beomgyu says.

"did not." 

"right," i mock, rolling my eyes.


after we forced huening to pick up all the fries he spat out, and making everyone (including huening) pay me five dollars, the room finally calmed down. especially because we got a noise complaint. 

huening end up going back to sleep, and yeonjun had to shut his jaw so he didn't snore again. and again, the suffocating silence entered the room. there was nothing we could do to make it leave (besides stuff fries in huenings nose this time).

eventually, some nurse, that wasn't the one who brought me in here, checked on y/n. she scribbled down some things after looking at the monitor next to y/n's bed. as quickly as she came, she left. 


"hyung! wake up!" beomgyu screams, while shaking me awake. 

"what," i groan, slightly opening my heavy eyelids.

"y/n's awake!" beomgyu shrieks, and that's enough for my eyes to shoot open. i jump out of my seat, and beomgyu shifts out of my way. and then there's y/n. 

the bags under her eyes are very noticeable and she looks slightly paler, but when i see her my lips unconsciously flip upward into a smile. since shes still in the hospital bed, i have to get on my knees to reach face level with her. she smiles, making my heart warm.

"hi, taehyun."

"hi, y/n."



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