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[ y/n's pov ] 


"im never letting you convince me to do anything. ever again." i mumble, stumbling out the ferris wheel cart.

"its just a ferris wheel, all you do is sit down and let the machine do the work," taehyun scoffs, following me off the ride.

"i almost flew out my seat." 

"it was going less than a mile per hour?" 

"your only saying that," i suck my teeth. we pass by a couple concession stands, and one specifically catches my eye. "but, you can make it up to me by getting me cotton candy." i say, eyeing down the concession stand as if it'll run away if i take my eyes off it.

"what flavor?" taehyun asks, walking up to the stand.

"uhm, cotton candy?" 

"are you slow?" taehyun glares at me, his eyes narrowing.

"am i slow? you just asked me what flavor cotton candy i want."

"yes i did, because cotton candy flavored cotton candy isn't on the menu," taehyun points at a sign with different colored cotton candy and labels under each one.

"oh." i mumble in defeat.

"so which one?" he repeats. 

"the rainbow one," i point at the rainbow-like cotton candy. 

"okay," taehyun walks up to lady who's been watching me and taehyun bicker, and tells her what i wanted. not surprisingly he gets some for himself, and he comes back. 

"here you go!" taehyun smiles, handing me my cotton candy. 

it has to be his smile. or maybe just- him. he's just so- 

"uhm, y/n? take the cotton candy or ill eat it." taehyun jerks his hand forward, holding out the cotton candy. i feel my face glow red, as i was caught fantasizing, but as long as he doesn't know it's about him. 

i mumble a 'thank you' before grabbing the cotton candy out of his hand. he nods his head, as a way for saying 'your welcome.'

"so where are we going next?" taehyun asks, and stuffing some cotton candy in his mouth immediately afterwards.

"i dont know, you pick." i mumble, swallowing some cotton candy.

"how about the carousel?" taehyun asks. 

"nah, that's for babies." i joke, and taehyun looks at me offended.

"the carousel is my favorite ride," taehyun pouts, looking at me. taehyuns so adorable without even trying but at the same time he's so hot. i feel my face flush red as I realize im staring for too long. 

"well then maybe your just a big baby," i spit, earning another glare from taehyun.

"i don't think i want to hear a shorter person tell me that." taehyun cannons back.

"your the second shortest." 

"and your the shortest shortest, now let's go get on the carousel before the line gets long." taehyun shoves some cotton candy into his mouth before grabbing my hand, and dragging me towards the carousel. 

i let out a groan in defeat, not wanting to go ride the carousel. im also disappointed that i finished my cotton candy so quickly. i attempted to reach over and grab some of taehyuns, but he moved his cotton candy out of the way, sending me a glare. i rolled my eyes and didn't even notice we were already in line for the carousel.

the line wasn't extremely long, but it was longer than i wanted it to be. "cant we go on a roller coaster or something?" i complain.

"aren't you afraid of heights?" taehyuns asks, answering my question with a question.

"how'd you figure out?" i question, returning the pattern.

"you were holding on to the handle in the ferris wheel like there's no tomorrow." 

"well if i fell off, there wouldn't be a tomorrow." i mumble an excuse.

"for you, there wouldn't." taehyun corrects, obviously hearing my statement. i send taehyun a glare but he just shrugs his shoulders.

"you guys are a really cute couple." some girl peeps from behind us, and i slowly turn my head around, trying to figure who's she talking to. and to my surprise, she's staring back and forth between me and taehyun.

"us?" i ask, widening my eyes.

"mhm!" the girl hums proudly, as if she's a fortune teller. 

"so you see-" i start, before getting rudely interrupted.

"thank you," taehyun smiles at the lady, and i look at him with shock on my face. i quickly spin back around, and taehyun follows. 

"what were you thinking?" i whisper yell, and taehyun leans himself down so i can whisper yell into his ear. 

"i was trying to save us the embarrassment," taehyun whispers back into my ear, causing my ear to tingle but, i ignore it. 

"you made it more embarrassing." i remark, still whisper yelling.

"your embarrassing yourself, sweetheart." taehyun emphasized the nickname, and i glare at him. i cant help but soak in his facial features. his facial proportions are perfect. literally. 

i rip my stare away as the line moves forward, and we actually get extremely close to getting on, but the worker decides to put the rope back on. it blocks us from the entry, and aggravatives me. now i have to watch these extremely old people, or little kids spin in a circle on a horse for three minutes while bopping up and down.


(a/n: these chapters are progressively getting shorter)

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