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elaine was sitting in her bedroom, reading a marvel comic, specifically spiderman. Hartley was off at school, and her grandmother went to run some errands. elaine would be at school but she was never enrolled since her parents just left her with her grandmother and cousin to have some fun or something.

elaine's parents never really liked her. she was an accidental pregnancy, as her parents planned on having no kids and just being together forever. once she was born her parent took care of her, but mostly being at her grandmothers house, you could tell easily her parents didn't want her.

"okay, this is hartley's room." elaine heard a voice say. she got up suddenly but quietly, this was a safe neighborhood, why were there robbers in her house.

"are you sure celia isn't home?" she heard a familiar voice say. she peaked out of her door to see colby and eva. "but elaine is." elaine said staring at the two with her hands on her hips.

"uh oh." colby said as the girl walked closer. "what are you two doing in my house?" elaine said poking their shoulders. "getting an idea for your birthday gift." colby stammered.

"oh really?" elaine said and colby nodded. "when's my birthday then?" elaine asked crossing her arms. colby and eva looked back and forth between each other. "august 14" she said flicking colby's arm.

"ouch!" he said. "so why are you really here, hm?" she asked again. "we don't trust hartley, so we need to find something to blackmail her with." eva said kind of ashamed. "she has nobody to tell." elaine spoke.

"isn't she in that club." colby said. "yeah, they talk about kindness and stuff. she's not going to tell them." elaine said. "i say we still look." eva said going into hartley's room. "no!" elaine ran in stopping the two. "i won't let you." she said with sass.

"someone's home." eva said when she heard keys jangling. "i thought you said celia was at an arm wrestling tournament." colby said worried. "that's tomorrow, she was running errands." elaine said. "she's coming. hide!" eva said heading for the closet.

"let me in!" colby yelled quietly. "there's no room." eva responded. "but where am i supposed to go?" colby spoke. "go shape shift into something, her room's a mess anyways." elaine said sitting on hartley's bed.

colby quickly shifted into a grape purple sweater and went on the bed next to elaine. "i really got to teach this girl how to fold." Ccelia walked in."oh what are you doing in here elaine." celia said. "just chilling, hartley's got all the good channels." elaine chuckled turning on the tv.

"i've been looking for this sweater everywhere. hartley must have taken it without asking." celia said taking up the sweater, which was actually colby. "i just love the way it hugs my body. I missed you so much." Celia said hugging the sweater closer, and Elaine's eyes widened.

"i might never take you off." celia said leaving the room. "uh oh, colby's on my grandmother's back. oh lord." elaine said getting eva out of the closet. "well, if she's taking my son, i'm gonna take this lamp." eva spoke taking the lamp off hartley's dresser.

about 30 minutes later celia came into elaine's room, with the sweater on her back. "the madden's invited us for lunch, let's go." and elaine got up. she understood eva's plan, sort of.

"celia, elaine. how lovely to see you." eva saif opening the door. "eh. can i take your sweater?" eva asked. "nope. i run cold." celia said back.

"oh, well, we know that. let's turn the heat up a couple degrees." eva said and went to the thermostat. elaine saw her use her powers to turn the heat to 200. "i'm gonna get you back." eva whispered to the sweater.

"what did you say?" celia asked. "i said, i am gonna scratch your back." eva said chuckling, then stopping. "well, don't stop now." celia said. "oh." eva said disappointed.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now