twenty three

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colby and elaine were sitting on the couch, a bit awkwardly in the silence.

"lainey can i talk to you?" colby said. "um..o-"

eva and vic came out of the kitchen, declan and amy following a bit after.

"i didn't know declan was here, he smells." elaine said. "me either, he stinks." colby said.

"look i know you and i didn't exactly..get off on the right foot." he said as amy sighed.

"mostly because you're shady." amy said. "i'm not shady." declan said.

"you're a little shady." colby said. "well, i was hoping we could work together to pull off something special." declan said.

"i see where you're going with this, and i'm happy to drive the moving van. where we headed? nevada is nice, sunny. but again, you're shady, so that'll balance out nicely." amy said, and elaine snickered.

"hartley told me she loves escape rooms. and a new one just opened in valley view."

"and since she considers you family, i was hoping everyone could go. plus you, the single one that's her actual family."

"i have a name, idiot."

"..that way, when she shows up, we can all surprise her." declan said ignoring elaine.

"oh, i love escaping things. just yesterday, i made a hasty exit from the market. apparently, it's illegal to steal food." eva said and elaine facepalmed.

"escape room, huh? i can escape from anywhere in seconds because, you know, genius." vic said.

"but i'm happy to tag along and point out your failures."

"great. oh, but whatever you do, don't tell hartley. i want it to be a surprise. see you tomorrow." declan said leaving.

"i'm actually gonna go too." elaine said standing up. "wait, i wanna talk to you. it's serious." colby said.

"alright up, let's go upstairs.." elaine said nervously.

"leave the door open, at leats cracked!" eva yelled out as the two walked up the stairs.

"okay what's up." elaine said, leaning on colby's wall.

"um. are you okay? like, you just seem kind off lately. off since bad jake came back, like when we done with the movie."

"well i'm fine you don't need to worry colby."  elaine said sighing.

"i don't know why your being so worrysome, there's nothing happening."

"why i'm so worrysome? elaine you're supposed to be my girlfriend, why wouldn't i be worrysome? lately we've been acting like friends, and you've been kind of avoiding me?"

"i am your girlfriend! you're not making any sense right now!"

"elaine i'm just confused right now that's all."

"well don't be!"

"how can i not, you can't not be confused when someone you love is avoiding you out of nowhere!" colby yelled.

elaine went silent, "what did you say?" "you heard me.

" someone you what?"

"someone i love." colby said again slowly. he started to walk towards elaine, holding her hands.

"i love you, i really do. i know i do. that's why i'm so worried." colby said.

elaine looked at colby in disgust, "no you don't. you don't love me."

"you can't..i do love you." colby said again. "no. you don't." elaine said pulling her hands away from colby's.

"i do! the romance movies we watch, i've learned about love. it's how i feel." colby said.

"colby, you lived in a villian town your whole life. you lived in a dungeon, you never saw anyone. you don't know anything about love." elaine said l shaking her head.

"movie love is fake, you cant base real life off of it. you don't love me, because you don't have a clue about love."

"why would you...why?" colby said, his eyes tearing up.

"i'm giving you the brutal truth." elaine said. "no..that was just brutal." colby said walking out his room and leaving elaine.

what has she done.

nayah speaks !!

this is the second book i've written a bad ending for a chapter

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now