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"mm, i just got so lucky with the girlfriend lottery." colby said, his arm wrapped around elaine's waist as they both walked from the movie theatre to colby's house.

"colby stop being so cute, you're gonna make me blush." elaine said.

colby laughed at his girlfriend, leaning in and pulling her closer before kissing her on her lips lovingly.

"i love this girl." colby's voice whispered in elaine's head, hearing him inner thoughts.

he can' her. not isn't even a real thing.

elaine hated love, it never lasted. the moment someone say that stupid four letter word everything crashed and burned.

she quickly pulled back, clearing her throat."colbs, we gotta get inside. it's literally windy and it's messing up my hair." elaine said.

"okay, i'll wait til we get inside to kiss you again." colby said smiling, putting his arm back around elaine as she laughed awkwardly.

once they got back to the house, and they were about to turn to go on the property before celia stopped them.

"you, boy." celia said, and colby removed his hand from her waist.

"well if you're gonna date my granddaughter, you might as well hold her." celia said.

"oh..uh, i'm sorry." colby said putting his arm back around elaine's waist.

"anyway, you tell your brother that i'm very upset about what he was doing in front of my window this morning." celia said.

"oh it was so disturbing.." elaine said shaking his head.

"what did he do?" colby asked. "he was rearranging our garden gnomes into..very very inappropriate poses."

"are you sure it was jake."

"i'm positive. it had to be that the boy that shakes when he talks to me." celia said.

"okay celia, i'll uh let him know." colby said a bit nervously.

"also elaine, stay over at their house today because i'm going on a hot date with robert and he's sleeping over." celia said smiling.

"oh..that's brilliant grandma. i'll sleep over though, gladly." elaine said, with an uncomfortable smile.

celia walked away, and colby and elaine started to walk into the house.

"hey we're back!" colby said, and nobody responded.

elaine peeked into the kitchen, and saw the lair door was open.

"they're in the lair." elaine said, and then her and colby started to go down the stairs.

"don't you mean the paperer?" eva said laughing, as the two teens walked down the steps.

"hey, celia just stopped us and said she's really upset at jake for what he did outside her window this morning." colby said.

"hmm. stop right there. i don't wanna know what he was doing." eva said raising her finger.

"he was rearranging our garden gnomes into very inappropriate poses." elaine said, cringing at the thought.

"oh, that's both better and worse than what i was thinking." eva said.

"no, that's impossible. jake spent the morning larping with me." vic said, walking towards the two.

"so now we're all just doing embarrassing things?eva said.

"celia insists it was jake. or as she likes to call him, 'the boy that shakes when he talks to me.'" colby said.

"oh, no. there's only one explanation for this. bad jake is back."

"hold on, bad jake." elaine said, very confused. "dad made a clone of jake because jake wouldn't hang out with him and used it to make him jealous and it ended up turning on us." colby explained.

"honestly, i'm not shocked." colby said nodding. "hey, what do you mean he's back? i thought you vaporized him." eva said to her husband.

"yeah. he may have escaped before i had the chance and i just didn't tell you." vic said.

"but to be fair, hiding things from you wasn't my wedding vows."

"right. so now everyone thinks our son is doing villainous things around the town. this could blow our secret." eva said

"don't worry. i'll track him down. i'll put him in my trusty nano-cuffs. even bad jake's super strength can't break these." vic said holding the cuffs up.

"really? then how did hartley break out of home to go find amy at colossal con?" colby said.

"son, we've covered this, helpful or hurtful?" vic said.

"hurtful is always funnier." elaine said shrugging. "anyway, once i slapped the nano-cuffs on bad jake, we'll bring him down here. we'll use the mirror. a name i standby by the way."

"we'll vaporize him for good."

"cool. i can help track him down." colby said. "we can, i have powers now." elaine said, smiling.

"i mean shouldn't be too hard, considering he's been wearing the same clothes for the past three months and the same underwear." colby said.

"sorry, kids. this is big boy stuff. you just stand back and marvel as your father and your father in law saves the day once again."

"yeah bad you couldn't do it the first time. then we wouldn't have to spend our day chasing around jake's creepy clone." elaine said, putting her hand on vic's back.

"gosh elaine, helpful or hurtful?" vic said, hai voice breaking slightly.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now