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"elaine, come on." hartley said pulling the girl by her arm in her bed. "i don't wanna get up." elaine groaned.

"ever since colby has been stuck as objects, it's like your will to live is jut gone!" hartley said letting go of the girl. "that's cause it is hartley. you would act the same way if it happened to amy, that's my best friend we're talking about." elaine said sitting up.

"e, have you ever thought about liking colby more than a friend?" hartley said sitting on elaine's bed. "what? no!" elaine said shocked.

"it's just, this isn't what you would do with your best friend elaine. you didn't even want to come out your room to eat your favorite dinner, or to go shopping at your favorite store. you would never give that up." hartley explained.

"answer this. how do you feel when someone mentions colby, when you see him, we he walks into a room, when he hugs you." hartley said.

"i feel..." elaine said thinking, then her face dropped. "i have a crush on my best friend....i like colby." elaine said, her face in horror.


it's been 2 weeks since elaine has realized these feelings; and somehow she felt better than ever. but sad because her crush was currently a fly.

she was doing homework at her desk, her head filled with a million thoughts. hartley recently told her than starling and jake were seeing each other? besides their differences. and amy didn't know.

but elaine knew that amy knew because amy told her, but elaine didn't want to tell hartley that amy knew so she was kind os stuck in the middle. plus she had a test coming up, and colby was still a damn fly.

"e, vic has a way to bring colby back to himself." hartley burst into elaine's room." "really?" elaine said dropping her mechanical pencil. "yea, come on." hartley said.

elaine rushed to put on her converse. not even tying them, as she followed her cousin to the house next door.

"all right, ladies. say hello to my amazing invention that's gonna turn colby fly here back to normal. the first ever molecular re-atomizer. i haven't slept since wednesday, clap for me." vic said dropping the tarp and elaine, eva, and hartley clapped hesitantly. 

"you know what I need to clap? human hands. get on with it." colby said. "okay. here we go.: vic said placing the tray with the fly on the stool. 

"wait. are you sure it's safe for us to stand this close?" hartley asked. "sure. just cover your face so your eyeballs don't melt out of your skull." vic said.

"seriously?" hartley said scares. "no, I'm joking. or am I? " vic said. "I am." he said and the girls sighed. "are you?" hartley said. "i am not." vic said handing them all goggles.

"okay. here we go."  vic said staring the machine. "it tingles. okay. now it burns. huh. the tingle is back." colby said as the machine brought him back. "it worked. i mean, why wouldn't it?" vic said. 

"my baby is back." eva said hugging her son. "oh. better hold up on the hugs. you haven't showered for a month." eva said chuckling. "good to have you back, bud." vic said patting colby's shoulder.

"it's good to have a back, dad." colby said. "and man, i cannot wait to stretch it out." colby saud walking before falling. "sorry, son. the machine is still restructuring your dna, so you're gonna have to stay in there a little longer." vic said. 

elaine went over to help colby off the ground. "hey lainey." he said smiling. he still had that charming smile after this long month. elaine just stared, her mouth moving slightly, trying to form words. 

"hey colb." she finally said. "you look the same, i'm glad. i was worried you'll change after all this time. you're still my lainey." colby said. 

"uh, where'd everyone go?" elaine said, looking at everything but colby. "they went to get colby a cake, but their gonna swipe the cake from the neighbor's retirement party." hartley said smirking at the duo. 

"eh, nothing new." elaine shrugged, standing behinf the tables colby sat back in the machine."do you want anything colby?" hartley asked. "yeah. actually, i'm kind of thirsty. could you grab me that water?" colby said pointing to to the water on the table.

hartley grabbed it and then spilled almost all of it on the console. "oh. no, no, no, no." hartley said looking around. "what kind of evil lair doesn't have paper towels?" hartley said.

the machine started up again, and colby changed to what looked like a whole nineteen year old. 

"oh, no." elaine said. "what's wrong? why do I sound like this?" colby said standing up. "and why do i feel taller and thicker?" he said feeling his chest. "i've got bigger everything." he said lookign at his hands.

"i think the water shorted out the console and it made you older. look." hartley said showing colby himself. "that's me? whoa. i'm a major hottie." colby said.

 "yeah." hartley said staring at him. "hartley!" elaine said, annoyed and a bit jealous. "i mean, no. i mean, ew. i mean, i gotta fix this." hartley said. 

"come on, dumb machine, turn it back." hartley yelled. "good idea, hartley. if things take a bad turn, just start hitting random buttons." colby said. "is it working?" elaine said excited. 

"why do i feel the sudden urge to second guess my life choices and spend all my savings on a sports car?" colby said. he was old now, it was not a good look. 

"probably because of this?" hartley said showing him himself "now i'm old. what happened to the hottie?" colby said groaning.

"i know. his eyes were so dark and soulful, I could just get lost in them." hartley said. "i'm gonna punch you!" elaine siad smashing the button board. "we're just gonna keep pressing buttons." hartley said running back.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now