thirty three

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amy, elaine, and colby all rushed into valley view high school. out of breath from trying to get there fast.

"hartley, i got your text. what's the emergency?"amy said as they walked in. "mary stephens will be here in less than five hours, and i don't have anyone to help me decorate." hartley said walking towards the trio.

"again....what's the emergency?" elaine said, confused. "and where's the rest of the sunshine club? isn't helping kind of their whole thing?" amy asked.

"they're in time-out because they couldn't follow my simple decorating instructions. i'm sorry, but if you can't make 72 sunshine faces in less than five minutes, what are we even doing?" amy sighed.

elaine sighed, placing her hand on her cousin's shoulder. "hartley, i know today means a lot to you, but i think you're being a little too intense with the preparations."

she slowly turned to elaine, "do you want a time-out, too?"

"how about you put us all in a time-out and you can go find your happy place." colby said putting his arm around elaine.

"mary's visit has to be perfect so i can grind those other two sunshine club presidents into the ground. they will bow down to my pleasant attitude." hartley said slamming on the table.

the three all shot back, "okay, i like the frightening energy, but why is winning this thing so important to you?" amy asked.

"because if i don't win this, i might as well just throw away my entire lifelong to-do list."

hartley picked up a scroll and tossed it on the ground. "see? right here." it rolled down the hallway, and continued.

"once i win, i put it on my college application. then i'll get into a perfect school where i'll get straight a's, and then law schools will call, saying, "hi, hartley, we want to take you out to a steak dinner and give you a scholarship." and then i'll—" she ranted.

"hartley! we got it. and we got it. and we got it!" amy said gesturing to the long list.

"ugh! i'm running out of time! there's no way i can get all of this stuff done before mary gets here."

"maybe not. but i can." colby said. "just tell me what to do and i'll use my super speed. this place will be done in seconds."

hartley gasped, "colby, that's genius. here's the list."

colby took it and started speeding around, putting up horribly done decorations.

"and done. how's it look?" he said less than a minute later.



"hey! don't diss my boyfriend like that. colbs it looks amazing." elaine said going over to him.

"you look amazing." colby said, and then the two started to lean in to kiss.

"look, i appreciate the effort, but it's all wrong."hartley cut in.

"the banners are crooked, the napkin swans look like ducks and none of the streamers have the proper dip. it looks like a rush job." hartley said.

"it was a rush job." colby sassed. "i should've known there's no shortcuts to success."

"look, hartley, we're not gonna let you down. we'll just decorate the place the right way." amy said to her best friend. "the really long and incredibly annoying right way."

"and by "we," she means them, 'cause i'm going home." colby said starting to walk away.

"home? as in the one we share? where i can make your entire existence a living nightmare?" amy said stopping her brother.

"on second thought, i hate home. let's decorate a school!"


elaine was laying on colby's lap, as he struggled to tie a balloon. "come on, colby. pick up the pace. we only have an hour left."

"look, you either get the super-speed version, or you get me trying to figure out how to tie a balloon." colby said.

"how do you not know how to tie a balloon?" hartley said.

"i'm a villain. the only knot we use is for tying people up...we can try that one if you want!"

amy sighed, "hartley, look, this is going nowhere. i'm all about helping, but every time i do something, you just sneak up behind me and do it over again."

"that is not true." hartley said, quickly fixing the gift bags amy had done.

"look, if you want it done your way, you're the only one that can do it. and with an hour left, that's just not possible." amy said.

they went silent, harltey fixing her swans. "or maybe it is."

"what do you mean?"

"what if colby uses his transference power to lend you his super speed? then you can set up the party exactly how you want in seconds."

"no way. i don't want one of his freakish villain powers in me." hartley said, and colby looked up at her offendedly.

"sorry. inside hartley just spoke outside." hartley said.

"well, if you don't want his super speed, you have to settle for crooked streamers and one balloon." amy said.

as she said that colby let go of the balloon, making it fly everywhere and waking his girlfriend up.

"make that no balloon." elaine muttered. "what do you say? do you want to turn down that make-believe steak dinner from that make-believe law school or not?" amy said.

"how exactly does it work? he just fist-bumps you and the power is yours. then when you're done, just fist-bump him back. easy peasy."

amy turned to colby whispering, "and can we hurry this up? i've been around this sunshine club stuff so long i just said "easy peasy.""

"and you're sure it's safe to use on a regular person like me?" hartley said.


"of course! uh, but in all fairness, after what we've witnessed today, i think "regular person" is a bit of a stretch." amy said.

"okay, fine. i'll do it. just let me put this down first."

amy and colby started whispering as hartley had her back turned, and elaine really wanted to know what they were saying.

"all right, colby. give me your super speed." hartley said.

she held out her fist, and colby gave it to her. "okay, now you've got it."

"but i don't feel anything." harltey said. "yeah, because you're not moving." amy said.

"oh. right."

harltey started to run, and went straight towards the door. she banged her head, and then fell on the ground groaning.

"feeling anything now?"

nayah speaks!!


𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now