twenty nine

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a hooded figure walked up, doing a evil laugh. "oh shoot, face reveal when!" elaine said and the entire family glared at her.


"okay, that's it. i've had enough of this dude." hartley said, picking up vic's blaster.

"you're done messing with my friends!" onyx shot something at her head, it singeing her hair and it smoked a bit.

"okay, on second thought, i'll just leave this with the people with powers." she said running behind a car.

"well, if it isn't my old boss. what do you say, chief?" eva said walking forward.

she shot a bunch of bolts at him, and onyx snarled. "surge. now i remember why i didn't promote you. because you're both...weak!" onyx said blasting eva, and she fell into a nearby car.

"mom!" amy yelled running over to her.

"lainey, go with hartley. i don't want you getting hurt." colby said to his girlfriend.


"no. go, now!" he said demandingly, and elsie tan over to the car hartley was hiding behind.

"onyx! pick on someone your own size." vic said picking up his device.

"i mean, she kind of is your size, but you know what i mean."

he blasted it at onyx, and onyx blocked it with his own powers, and it hit vic as he flew back.

onyx chuckled, then amy spoke up. "i told you this before, and i'll tell you again, no one calls my family weak!"

"i second that." jake said walking behind her. "and i third that." colby said following.

"i know rolling up third doesn't pack as much of a punch, but i mean it." he said after.

"you pathetic creatures. you had so much potential as villains, and you threw it away. for what?" onyx said.

"to defend our mother." amy said. "and to show you that the guy with all the power doesn't always win." jake spoke.

onyx chuckled, "wanna bet?" he used a large blast, and amy, jake, and colby all flew back.

"colby!" elaine yelled, and hartley quickly put her hand over her cousins's face.

"since you're all here, the real festivities can begin." onyx said

"i can't move." amy said. "neither can i." jake said.

"he's immobilized us. i...i can't use my powers if i can't raise my arms." eva said.

"now that i have the chosen one, i can become the most powerful villain in the world by transferring all of his powers to myself." onyx said.

"no. his body isn't strong enough to take that kind of pressure!" vic said worried.

"the time has come."


onyx started to lift colby up, as he groaned. "the chosen one's powers will be mine!"

onyx lifted him in the air, bringing him closer. "come here. now we're talkin'!"

he dropped colby in the ground, colby grunting and groaning.

"onyx, please. leave him alone, take me instead.". eva said.


onyx shot a blast into the middle of colby's chest, and colby groaned as his powers were slowly being taken.


"elaine where are you, use your kinetic manipulation." amy said, and elaine crawled over to her.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now