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"that was the best day of my life." colby said drinking his blue raspberry slushee. "You're welcome." "oh hi grandma." elaine said closing the door.

"where's hartley? She said she was coming here, but she's not answering her phone." celia said. "hartley.. i... i haven't seen hartley, amy, have you seen hartley? oh, come on! okay." jake said. then he went into the kitchen where his family supposedly was.

"im gonna go upstairs, see ya grandma." elaine said trying to quickly get away before her grandmother said something.

she went into colby's room, it was really decorated since they just moved in. "now, where did he put my sweater." she mumbled. colby took her sweater after she supposedly left it last night, elaine doesn't even remember taking it off.

she quit looking for it and went to the kitchen where colby was. but instead was hartley and eva. "hartley you're back!" elaine said.

"stop sulking, colby. At least you get to use your shapeshifting power." eva said. "colby?!" elaine said shocked. "get me out of this, please." he said as he picked at the clothing. "can't. sorry." elaine said shrugging.

"wait wait. why is this happening again?" elaine said confused. "so jake and amy accidentally sent hartley to an alternate dimension but theyre working on getting her back do we need to stall celia with fake hartley, who's colby."

"i will never forgive you for this. both of you." colby complained. "yeah, yeah, add it to the list." eva said taking colby out to celia. colby stumbled a bit in hartley's high tops.

"what's up, celia?" colby said putting his foot on the couch. "excuse me?" celia said back, elaine face-palmer at the boys poor effort.

"where have you been? we're late for you and elaine's dentist appointment."celia said. "dentist appointment?" the three said. "they hate the dentist. always trying to get out of it. let's go. hartley, come on." celia said taking colby's arm.

"don't leave. no, stay." eva said grabbing her son's other arm. "what are you doing?" celia said. "what are you doing?" eva said back.

"hartley, elaine, get in the car." celia said."wait! you can't go yet because there's a problem in the house." eva said stammering. "yes. uh the lights keep flickering." elaine played along.

"not since i've been here." celia said. "aye, that's dangerous. ooh. you should probably fix that now." eva said. "hartley, go get my tool belt." celia ordered and colby went to get it.

"elaine you know you still have yours. are you stalling too?" celia said. "no, stall?... never.

"mhm." celia said to her granddaughter. "you know, i'm going to help col-hartley find you toolbelt."

elaine went out the door to find colby searching for celia's tool belt. "this woman has so much stuff in her car."

"actually it's not in the front trunk of the car, it's in the front." elaine said making her presence known. "oh great. more looking." colby said sarcastically.

"i'll help." elaine spoke. "thanks for your not needed help." colby said and elaine rolled her eyes.

because of that elaine let colby search by himself for a while, "you're not helping." "i know where it is, i just wanted to watch you struggle." elaine said laughing.

"you're a witch you know that." "nope i just enjoy being a bully." elaine dug underneath the passenger seat and took out a crowbar.

"why the heck doesn't celia have a crowbar, in her car to be specific." "wouldn't it be weirder if she didn't." colby nodded in agree to the statement.

"found it." elaine said handing the tool belt to colby. "let's go hartley." "please stop, you know you're doing it on purpose. "you've known me for a day and you already know me so well." elaine said with a sarcastic smile.

"found your tool belt, grandma. i also found your crossbow?" colby said once the two got inside. "what's a woman your age doing with a crossbow?" eva said

"you keep talking about my age and you'll find out." celia threatned and elaine covered her mouth in shock. "i'll go check the fuse box." celia said taking the belt from colby.

"no, no! hartley, wait!" protests were heard as the real hartley stumbled out the kitchen, vic, jake, and amy following.

"grandma!" hartley yelled. "hartley? hartley?" celia said looking in between the two hartleys. "no, um... flickering lights must have messed with your eyes. that's...." elaine said trying to give eva a look for her idea.

she got it and used her powers to turn off the lights so colby could change back. "colby." elaine finished. "sup, celia?" colby said leaning on the couch.

"grandma! you will never believe what just..." hartley said and she looked back at the maddens. she knew their secret.

"you know what? never mind. i missed you." hartley said, not telling the secret. "miss me? you've been here the whole time." celia said. "i have?" hartley said.

"here she goes again, pretending she bumped her head so she doesn't have to go to the dentist." celia said to the family. "well, speaking of which, we should go." elaine said

"well, what about the flickering lights?" celia said and elaine dragged her and hartley towards the door. "i've grown used to it. kind of like a disco." eva said laughing as they started to leave.

"hey! wait. you didn't tell her what happened." amy said stopping hartley. "and risk her knowing the truth? i couldn't do that to my friend. look, you may be villains, but everyone deserves a chance to be better. Your secret's safe with me." hartley replied.

"wait why are we talking about it around elaine." jake said. "oh she knows." vic said. "she walked in on colby using his powers." eva said. "she's a fan though." colby added. "really? who's your favorite?" amy said excited.

"is that even a question? havoc of course." "i knew i liked her." amy said. "by the way, jake, you're in the clear. amy's the one who told me your secret." hartley said.

amy gave her a look that said, "are you serious?" "gotta stay honest. see ya." hartley said waving and leaving. "bye guys, bye colby."  elaine waved and colby waved back. then she left.

"how come you got a personal goodbye." jake said to colby. "i'm just better. and we'll, we're friends." colby said to his brother.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now