twenty one

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"that's right. from in here, i know exactly what it's like to be flash form." milo said walking, as stupid followed him and marveled.

colby and elaine were come from clsss, or reliance was and colby turned visible and met elaine at her locker.

they saw amy, and the three of them all thought the same thing as they saw milo. "milo, why are you wearing that helmet?" amy said.

"that's cute. acting like you don't know flashform revealed himself for the first time last night." milo said, taking off the helmet and handing it to a girl.

"what?" amy and elaine both said looking at colby.

"yeah! he sent out a video, and it instantly went viral!" milo said.

"check it out!" amy took his phone from him, and they all watched the video.

"i am flash form! watch as i go from nothing..." he turned invisible. " something!" and flashform turned visible again, crossing his arms.

"flash form can rock any form."

"from flex..." flashform changed into a buff man. "to t-rex!"

"a bubbling barrel of flesh-eating slime? psh! that's nothing for flash form!"

flashform stuck his arm into the barrel, and his arm was gone. "oh, no..."

it regenerated back quickly, "oh, yeah!"

amy have milo his phone back, "which power was your favorite? mine was all of 'em." colby said, very proud of himself.

"you were right! flash form is amazing. and because you gave me this helmet, i got all my cred back! i'm never giving this thing up!" milo said, going back to his 'fans.'

"i know you're mad, but did you see the part where i was the dinosaur?" colby said to his sister.

"you love dinosaurs!" colby said, looking to elaine who's hand he was holding.

"what were you thinking making that video?" any said.

"look, you don't get it. you're all established villains, and i'm not. so when milo said i was lame, i had to do something, or i'd look like a loser." colby said.

"ok, we understand, but now that everyone thinks flashform's amazing, milo's never gonna give us that helmet back!" elaine whispered.

"see you here after next period when you can all marvel again at flashform's amazing..." milo said, with the helmet gone again as the bell rang.

"and you're gone."

"uh, wow. milo, this whole flash form thing's really working out for ya." amy said.

"now i know why you wanted the helmet so bad. so people would follow you like they're following me." milo said.

"well, too late. they love me. and i love them loving me!" milo said walking away.

"uh, actually, it wasn't us who wanted the helmet back. it was flash form himself." elaine said as milo opened his locker.

"yeah, right. like you know an actual supervillain." milo said.

amy chuckled, "well, how else do you think we got the helmet? it didn't just fall from the sky. flash form doesn't fly."

"at least, not yet." amy said wrapping his arm around amy.

"he's gonna fly into that wall if he doesn't stop talking." she threatenly whispered to colby as he removed his arm.

"well, you clearly have an inside connection." milo said.

"tell you what, i'll give flash form the helmet back. if he comes here to pick it up himself."

"what?" amy said. "wh...he's not just gonna come to our school, like some toy for show-and-tell." elaine said.

"yeah, the dude's a beast. at least he looked like it in that video." colby said walking towards milo.

"can we watch it again?" he smiled. elaine slapped his neck, and colby held it in pain.

"but i'm sure we can get him to meet you somewhere more private." amy said.

"what does that do for me? only thing better than having flashform's helmet, is having him beg me for it in front of everyone. then there'd be no doubt that i'm the coolest guy in school."

"yeah, i don't know if that's the best..." colby started. "deal."

"what?" colby and elaine both said turning to amy. "flash form will be here after school." amy said.

"then so shall i be!" milo said, walking away with a smile on his face.

colby looked at his sister, a 'why would you do that' look spread across his face.

"you wanted to be a villain. don't get shy on me now." amy said looking him up and down.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now