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elaine was on colby's back, the two still invisible. "come on. give me that key invisible fake bro. you can run, but you can't hide." bad jake said.

"i guess you can hide. just show yourself!"

bad jake punched the air, "not even close." elaine said, and then colby and elaine ran behind the table where eva and vic were hiding.

"how do i stop bad jake?" colby whispered, sitting down while talking to his mini parents. "i can't do this forever."

"you just have to sneak past him and grab the mirror and use it to change us back to normal."vic said.

"easier said than done. bad jake is 10 times stronger than the real jake, and i've never battled anyone before." colby said.

"colby, you're the strongest villain there is. You have more powers than he does. you can easily take him down." elaine whispered to her boyfriend.

"and, you have elaine. she can do all those flippy things, she's smart, and now she has powers.

"you guys just have to outsmart him." vic said, tapping his head.

"yeah, you're right. i can do this." colby said. he then looked at elaine, "lainey, i want you to listen to my signal. keep looking at me, so you can read my mind. okay?" colby said, and elaine nodded.

colby then stood up, "hey, bad jake, over here."

bad jake shot his arm, and it disappeared. colby screamed loudly, and then elaine, vic, and eva all screamed.

"whoa, what's going on?" colby said, as his arm glowed purple and started to grow back.

"it's another power. you have regeneration." vic said. "of course i do. i'm the chosen one!"

elaine kicked colby's leg, she's always told him to stop being cocky. "don't just stand there. prove it." eva said.

"distract him." colby's voice spoke into elaine's head, her reading his mind.

"got you."

elaine stood up, going to an empty space. "hey bad jake, come and get me nanana boo boo." elaine said very childishly.

bad jake started to point the lazer at her, and shot it which elaine dodged with an aerial.

"stop that!" bad jake exclaimed as he continued to shoot the mirror.

elaine did a series of back handsprings as bad jake shot lazer at her repeatedly.

colby then turned invisible, and suddenly bad jake was being choked.

he was shoved against the wall, punched, and punched again.

colby then took the miror, and elaine came up from behind the table.

"i did it! i took him down." colby said, and elaine then saw bad jake coming up behind him.


bad jake hit colby's shoulder making him fall down, "guess again."

"oh you punk." elaine said, going over and punching bad jake roughly in the face.

elaine looked down and colby was gone, so was the miror.

"oh come here you." bad jake said as he charged towards elaine.

the nano-cuffs were then put on bad jake, and then he was pushed against the metal wall, making them stick together.

"oh, yeah. you just got chosen oned." colby said, turning back invisible.

"and next time, don't try to hurt my girlfriend."colby said, high fiving elaine.

the lockdown went away, and amy came down the steps. "what's going on down here?"

"mom and dad got shrink-rayed, and lainey and i just took down bad jake." colby said.

"oh, okay." amy said turning around and walking back. "wait. we were in lockdown mode. how'd you get in?" colby asked.

"i pulled the banana." amy said. "well, that's a security flaw." elaine muttered.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now