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princpal tennyson walked away, after he said that he was going to take a break.

"don't know how much more of playing dad i can take." colby said going back to himself.

"being that cocky really takes a lot out of you." he got up next to elaine and wrapped an arm around her.

"get this. there was another janitor in the closet and he said i wasn't a janitor, so i swiped his mop. who's the janitor now?" vic said holding a mop and using it.

"okay. this isn't working. maybe there's an antidote on one of the vials." amy said looking in the case.

"you think your dad has water in there? i left my water bottle in class." elaine said.

"he probably does, he's always throwing random things to make it look cool." amy said

she took out a clear vile, and smelled it. "no smell, water."

"you sure you want to drink that? look what it did to mr. madden. just drink out of the water fountain." hartley said.

"this is safer than a school water fountain." elaine sis drinking the vial. "definitely water."

a weird flavor kick in her mouth, and her face went sour but she decided to to mention it.

amy took out a red gas and started to look at it. "cool. what's that one do?" colby said. "amy, stop. no more gas." hartley said pulling the vial away.


the vial opened, and amy inhaled the gas. "truth gas? oh, no." elaine said reading the label.

"amy, what have we done?" hartley said. "well, i don't know about you but i can tell you what i've done. i lost the tv remote and blamed it on jakey, colby's lunch and i said a pigeon took it, and i spent the entire night rifling through your house while you were sleeping." amy rambled.

"that felt good but why did i say that?" amy asked. "great. the truth gas is making her confess everything, which means she could blow your family secret." hartley said to colby.

"normally, i'd say the truth will set you free, but this time, it might get you locked up." hartley said to amy and she smiled.

"oh, principal tennyson is back. colby, get back to the interview. i'll get your dad out of here." elaine said.

"uh-oh. gum. i better get that." vic said, going to the ground

colby shapeshifted to his dad, and tennyson came in. "amy, why don't you join us? maybe you can tell me why we should promote your father 'cause he sure can't."

tennyson turned around and elaine took this time to drag vic back to the janitor's closet.

"oh, i'll tell you whatever you need to know, starting with that's not really my father." amy said, the gasped covering her mouth.

elaine ran back, and saw everyones shocked faces. "oh, i wasn't expecting daddy drama on my first day."

"did you just say this isn't your father?" principal tennyson asked. "what she meant is she sees mr. madden as an educator first and a dad second." hartley said.

"mr. madden, i have to be honest. your resume says one thing but you say nothing."

"i don't see how any student could learn anything from you." tennyson said. "yeah. to be honest, i don't either." amy said scoffing.

elaine and hartley started to fake laugh. "oh, amy, such a joker." elaine said.

"thanks. i get it from my dad, who he is not. what is happening!"

elaine turned and saw vic mopping the floor. "ohhh,mr. madden, you need to get out of here." she said running to him.


"i know this may be hard to believe but you're an evil genius supervillain and your son shape-shifted into you to save your job because you made a gas that erases your memory." she said. 

"well, if i'm such a genius, why am i holding a mop?" vic asked. "okay. you know what? you are the janitor."

"oh, look. a runaway trash can." elaine said pushing the trash can and vic chased it.

elaine's stomach started to growl pretty loudly, and she groaned and held it. it felt like someone had just stabbed her.

"what the heck." she said in pain. once it went away she got up and went bad to the group.

"and that is how you turn pocket lint into gold." colby said, finishing some speech.

"all right. i've heard enough. you don't seem to be a qualified teacher at all." principal tennyson said. "of course, he is. there's gotta be something he can do to convince you." hartley said.

"well, maybe mr. madden is more of a visual teacher. perhaps he could impress me with a demonstration. you know, a little science experiment."

"uh, yeah. let's fire up the bunion burner." colby said. "do you mean..bunsen burner?"

"uh, sure."

"he is not sure."

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now