twenty eight

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"we've looked everywhere. where the heck is colby?" elaine said, running her hands through her hair in annoyance.

"i've never been in such a big city. so different from valley view." hartley said. "yeah. no, there are actually things to do here." amy said.

suddenly a strong force hit them, and they all fell on the ground. they all grunted, sitting up.

"what the heck was that?" jake said. "it was... colby?"

"i will destroy my family." colby said. "no. onyx must have brainwashed him to turn against us." eva said standing up.

"although, to be fair, it doesn't take much to turn against us." eva said.

"well, i know my son, and there's no way he'd turn on his dear old dad." vic said, walking towards colby.

"come here, bud." colby used his powers, shorting a force at vic's stomach.

"colby, you're making it really hard to want to save your butt." he said sitting on the ground.

"colby, let's just calm down, okay, buddy? i don't want to hurt you." jake said, and colby shot s force at him.

"now i want to hurt you." jake grunted. "colby!" amy said, and colby shot at her too.

"remember when he was a towel? i missed that." amy said angrily.

"what do we do?" amy said standing up. eva turned to elaine, "use your mind control, you could fight onyx's brainwashing with some of your own." eva said.

"please hurry!" vic said, as colby held him in the air upside down.

"wait you never told me you have mind control." hartley said.

"oh that's because i secretly use it on you sometimes." elaine chuckled.

"remember your old cringy shirts you gave me?" elaine said.



elaine walked to colby slowly, "hey!" she yelled out, and he dropped down vic roughly and looked at colby.

but as soon as he did, elaine forgot the entire plan. she couldn't use her powers on colby, she would never.

and seeing him made everything she said to him rush back, everything she didn't even mean.

"colby, it's me..lainey. you know, the nickname you made up for me." elaine said casually.

"elaine, this wasn't the plan." eva said from behind her, and elaine ignored her.

"i'm your girlfriend, we got in an argument yesterday know you told me you loved me and i...sorta kinda...said i don't?"

"i didn't mean it, i swear i didn't." elaine said, taking a few more steps towards colby.

"i said to you that, you didn't know what love was, and i said that you lived in a basement for your entire life and that's why..."

"i was wrong colbs, you knew what love was... but i don't. i'm the one who doesn't know what love is, i've never experienced it."

"i was never around my parents enough for them to give me love, i was neglected by them, they sent me away to my grandma while they do who's knows what without me."

"i loved them, they were my parents. and they left me. just gone, so i thought...if we said we loved each other, that you would be gone too."

"but now i realized, that if we don't say that we love each other you'll be gone, and i don't even want you to be gone..i want you in my life forever colby madden, i do." elaine finished.

she walked to colby, standing right in front of

"stop hurting your family, cause you love them too, you're full of love."

"and...and i love you too. i love you more than anything, more than i love frozen yogurt, and you know how much i love fro yo." elaine chuckled.

"i love you."

elaine leaned in, kissing the hypnotized colby, praying he heard everything.

she pulled away sighing, and then started to turn around to walk back to the family.

"elaine look!"

"lainey." colby said, grabbing elaine's arm. a red haz came up out of his brain, and his eyes flickered from red and brown and finally settled his normal brown again"i love you too." he spun her around, kissing her again.

after a few seconds they pulled apart, colby's hands on elaine's waist.

elaine moved next to him, so they were both facing the maddens and hartley.

"amy? mom?"

they all ran to colby, hugging him. "what happened?" colby asked.

"i only heard what elaine was saying to me." colby said again.

"sweet, you were in his head!" vic daid. "but i..i didn't even use my powers.." elaine muttered to herself.

"lainey, since when we're your eyes blue." colby asked. "contacts." elaine lied and he nodded.

"uh, can we go home now. my grandma still thinks elaine and i are in an escape room." hartley said.

"yeah let's get out of here." jake said as they all turned around.

and once again the ground shook, and they all froze on their spots.

"what the heck is that!" hartley said loudly.

amy and the family turned around then she spoke..


nayah speaks !!

act one is almost done

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ,, colby madden Where stories live. Discover now