Forgetfulness Wanted To Go To North Carolina

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Forgetfulness: Its not fair.

Claire: What's not fair?

Forgetfulness: Everyone went to North Carolina, and they wouldn't let me come with them.

George: *heavy Boston accent* Who is this everyone you speak of?

Claire: A bunch of people he knows. They're in North Carolina, and they're coming back to Connecticut on Sunday.

George: *heavy Boston accent* Ah, okay! I have yet to meet them!

Claire: You'll be able to meet them next week, George! Love your accent, by the way!

George: *heavy Boston accent* Thanks, Claire! Are you a Connecticut native?

Claire: No, I'm originally from Minnesota. But, I guess here is okay.

George: *heavy Boston accent* Okay. F, don't be upset. There's always next time.

Forgetfulness: I guess.

This story was written on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022.

A/N F, nobody wanted you to travel to NC with them, cause you're not well liked! You make people forget to do things! Hello? 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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