Definitely Not Cool!

7 3 11

Hunting Hill Ave

Middletown, Connecticut

Colin: *watching Robocop*

Girl: *walks into his house, and eats his Pepperridge Farm goldfish crackers*

Colin: Who are you? And, stop eating my snack!

Girl: *opens the fridge, and takes some eggs out, and throw them away*

Colin: Get out! Now!

Girl: *sticks her tongue out at Colin*

Colin: *opens her mouth, and put a cartoon bomb in her mouth, closes it, and holds her mouth shut*

Cartoon Bomb: *explodes inside her*

Girl: *leaves as smoke comes from her*

This story was written on Saturday, August 20th, 2022.

A/N What's that girl's problem? She just waltzed into Colin's house, ate his goldfish crackers, and threw his eggs away! The audacity! So uncool! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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