Wet Day In Store! 🌧🌧🌧

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Brandon: Supposed to rain today.

Kyle: Its already raining.

Iris: Not heavily at the moment. Supposed to pick up this afternoon.

Brian: Yup. Its been bone dry here.

Andrea: Hopefully, this rain will put a dent in the drought.

Emma: Exactly.

Charlotte: Aside from some isolated storms tomorrow afternoon, the rest of the week is dry. Still not enough rain to get rid of the drought.

Iris: Nope. Hopefully, we can get some rainy days in the Fall.

Kyle: Exactly.

This story was written on Monday, August 22nd, 2022.

A/N Its gonna rain here today! Its been too dry here! 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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