Slippery Floor!

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Claire: *mops the floor*

Jocelyn: *slips on the floor and lands on her butt with a boing sound effect*

Claire: Oh no, are you okay?

Jocelyn: Yeah, I'm okay. No pain!

Claire: Phew! Sorry about that! I was in the middle of moping the floor! It got all dirty!

Jocelyn: No worries!

Steven: Why you mopping the floor? You don't live here!

Claire: Just love to help out! *continues mopping*

Steven: Fine. Don't expect to get paid, though.

Jocelyn: Shut up.

This story was written on Thursday, August 11th, 2022.

A/N Oof, Claire was mopping the floor, and Jocelyn slipped and fell! 😂😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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