A Bad Boy!

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Jason was with his mother at a pizza place. While waiting for the pizza to be done, he kept taking away his mother's water bottle, which she didn't approve of.

"Jason, please stop that," said his mother.

"I'm bored, Mom," protested Jason.

"How is taking away my water bottle gonna alleviate your boredom?"

"I don't know."

Jason once again, took the water bottle away from his mother, and she was not pleased with his behavior. "Jason, cut it out! This is unacceptable behavior!"

"I'm hungry!" he snapped.

"You're gonna have to wait, okay?" his mother stated firmly. "Now, stop taking away my water bottle."

Jason finally complied to his mother's orders. The waiter came back with the pizzas, and he ate his pepperoni pizza, while his mother ate an anchovies and mushroom pizza.

Jason's behavior was totally unorthodox at the restaurant. His mother made that very clear.

This story was written on Monday, August 22nd, 2022.

A/N Jason shouldn't be taking away his mother's water bottle like that! That's not acceptable behavior! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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