Forgetfulness Prank Calls Nicole

9 3 4

Hampton Inn

Hampton Ct

Williamston, North Carolina

Nicole's phone: *rings*

Nk_works: Hello?

Forgetfulness: *in Christina Ricci's voice* Do you kiss eggs?

Nk_works: Excuse me?

Forgetfulness: *in Christina Ricci's voice* You been kissing eggs! *laughing in his normal voice*

Nk_works: F!!!! Its you!!! Wait till I get back in Connecticut!!! I am gonna beat you up!!!! Good bye!! *hangs up*

Forgetfulness: What have I done?

This story was written on Friday, August 5th, 2022.

A/N F, you just made the biggest mistake of your life! Nicole is gonna beat you up! Prank calling her was a dumb move! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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