Halfway Done With 2022

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Brandon: With September almost here, this year is like halfway done!

Kyle: I know, huh?

Andrea: This year really flew on by!

Ariel: Definitely! Who's looking forward to 2023?

Me: I am! 

Nk_works: So am I! Oh my gosh! 2022 can fall down a well!

Iris: It sure can!

Bobby: What the hype about 2023? How do you guys know it will be a different year?

Ben Perlsweig: Its all about having a positive outlook.

Brandon: Facts.

This story was written on Saturday, August 27th, 2022.

A/N 2022 is halfway over! It will be just a matter of time, when we enter 2023! I'm done with 2022! Nothing but bad luck! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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