We Don't Know You Sir!

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Brandon: *opens a bag of Lays Cheddar and sour cream chips and starts munching away, savoring the cheesy and sour cream combination*

Man: Hey, young buck! Can I have some of them chips?

Brandon: Uh, who are you?

Man: I'm from Georgia!

Andrea: Um okay? *smells the old man* Ugh! When was the last time you took a shower?

Man: I don't take showers. Give me them chips.

Brandon: No! We hardly know you! Get out of here!

Man: Okay. *walks out*

Charlotte: *uses the air freshener to get rid of the odor from the Georgia stranger* Who was that guy?

Brandon: No idea! He creeps me out! He wanted my chips!

Owen: He's talking to the kids at the park!

Charlotte: *gets the cartoon mallet* I gotta stop him! Brandon, call the mental institution, please! *runs out to whack the Georgia man*

Brandon: I'm on it! *gets on the phone* Hello! Send some people over to Butternut Hollow! Some man from Georgia is bothering kids!

This story was written on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022.

A/N Oh my gosh!! That man is a total stranger! He creeped Brandon out, and now he's talking to the kids at the park! So many crazies in the fictional realm! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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