Some People Are Crazy!

13 4 22


Berlin Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Brandon: *eating an Oven Roasted Chicken sub with honey mustard, tomatoes, and bacon on wheat bread, and drinking a Coke*

Doctor: Hello, there! Would you like a shot? *holding a needle*

Brandon: A flu shot? *raised eyebrows*

Doctor: No, just a shot! *wipes some of that stuff on Brandon's arm*

Brandon: Dude!

Doctor: Try not to look at the needle!

Subway Employee: *whacks the doctor with a cartoon mallet*

Doctor: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above him*

Mental Institution People: This must be the quack! *takes the doctor to the back of the van and drives off*

Subway Employee: You okay, sir?

Brandon: Yeah, he totally creeped me out.

Subway Employee: He's probably not a qualified doctor.

This story was written on Monday, August 15th, 2022.

A/N Some people are out of their minds! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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