What A Creepy Lady!

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Hampton Inn

Williamston, North Carolina

Charlotte: *watching Bonanza*

Nk_works: *hears a knock on the door and opens it*

Woman: *missing teeth* You want to come to Georgia?

Nk_works: Do I know you?

Woman: Come with me to Georgia! *smiles showing her ugly yellow teeth*

Charlotte: Will you leave?

Woman: Lets go! *grabs Nicole by her arm*

Nk_works: The heck?! Get your hands off me, woman!!!! Where's your husband?! *tries to pull back*

Man: Ruth!!! Get over here!!!

Woman: *timidly walks towards her husband*

Man: What were you doing?! I thought I told you not to talk to any strangers, and go into their rooms! *grabs his wife by her neck*

Woman: *being grabbed by her neck and taken into the room*

Man: Sorry about that! Are you okay?

Nk_works: Yes. Just a bit creeped out.

Man: Don't worry, I'll teach my wife a lesson. *closes the door to his room*

Charlotte: *hears beating up noises from inside the room with cartoon sound effects* What a creepy woman!

Nk_works: Exactly, oh my gosh!!! *hears the beating up noises too*

This story was written on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022.

A/N What a creepy woman! Oh my gosh!!! Her husband is teaching her a lesson!!! 👊👊👊👊👊👊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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