That's All Folks!!

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We have reached the end of All Things Fictional!!! Boy, did we have some crazy adventures throughout the month of August or what?! Although, some memories were pretty sad. Where to start? A Massachusetts woman absent mindedly left her door open and she got robbed, a niece and aunt in Kentucky about the same age, us leaving on our week long trip to North Carolina, Steven being a stick in the mud throughout the trip, Melissa Hoon in funny situations as per usual, us experiencing thunderstorms while in North Carolina, Nicole losing the room key at the hotel, Steven leaving the sink all messy at the hotel, Ken and Brian riding to Ahoskie NC, to the meat place, a lady creeping out Nicole and Charlotte at the hotel, and having such an ugly appearance, us having fun at the Outer Banks, Ken and Brian eating at Shaw's BBQ House in Williamston NC, Spice wanting to go to Charlotte, but Ken nixed the idea, since its a 4 hour trip, us eating at Golden Corral in Edenton NC, Forgetfulness prank calling Nicole, Steven thinking he saw Lil Wayne, Steven talking to strangers at the hotel, us on our way back to Connecticut, us driving through Delaware, running into a nasty thunderstorm in New Jersey, while at the John Fenwick Service Area on the turnpike, us finally back in Connecticut, Forgetfulness getting struck by lightning while in Florida, Steven trying to rap, Iris fooling Brandon by being an old lady, and being taken to the mental asylum, us dealing a tornado, and being scared out of our wits, Abraham being his rude, disgusting self, us celebrating Iris's 30th birthday, a dead alligator in the fridge, Iris acting all odd at times, celebrating Melissa Wichowski's 38th birthday at a pizza place in New Jersey, Mel walking on Main St, Bob and Eduardo encountering a dead alligator at Old Sturbridge Village, Emma's soon departure for college, madness at 5 Guys, Ariel getting crushed by an anvil, a dead alligator in my apartment, Steven eating Owen's leftover food from Subway, and getting beat up for it, Dexter eating nothing but marshmallows, Nicole eating chicken in front of Spice, to spite him, summer camp finally ending for Iris, Veronica and Nicole having it out for each other, Emma Beckman and Allie encountering a dead alligator at Lake Compounce, Dorian stealing a woman's banana Oreo cream shake at 5 Guys, Veronica hacking Nicole's Twitter account, Ariel moving to another part of Middletown, Brandon and Bob at 5 Guys on multiple occasions, Brandon talking to Bob about his feelings towards Emma leaving for college, Emma eating at Dairy Queen, Spice getting scared of a monster from Stranger Things, Charlotte getting some more bread from the supermarket, Claire playing a funny joke on Steven, a random teenage girl giggling in the closet, and puzzling Steven, us dealing with a very wet Monday, heavy downpours while Brandon and I were at McDonald's, Iris and Steven kept hearing things that go bump in the night, us at 5 Guys for lunch, some crazy dude from Georgia creeping Brandon out, taking Emma out to dinner before leaving for Washington State, us reminiscing the good times we had with Emma while at the pizza restaurant, Emma packing her things, us on our way to the airport, saying our last good byes to Emma, after her flight was announced, and Brandon breaking down, the teens doing their back to school shopping at Wal-Mart, Steven drinking Andrea's Dr Pepper, much to her fury, Bob consoling Brandon after Emma finally left, while at 5 Guys, Iris and Bob at 5 Guys on a very busy Saturday night, Steven spraining his knee at a hiking trail, Steven making a very dumb move with Spice, Austin having somewhat of an autistic meltdown, after being triggered by someone sneezing loudly at Burger King, Steven grimacing while eating the salt and vinegar Lays chips, Steven not wanting 2023 to come, celebrating Austin's 23rd birthday at Empire Pizza, the teens finally back in school, and Steven getting all burned up, after Bob accidentally eats his chips!!! We been through it all folks! However, August was a very bad month for me. Someone tried to get a bunch of people to report my stories. I had a severe case of writer's block from time to time. And everytime a thunderstorm was in my area, I couldn't focus on writing. But all in all, I had a blast writing this collection! Many thanks to everyone that read! You can anticipate more crazy adventures throughout the month of September real soon! New adventures and characters are coming your way in the fictional realm! ;) Till then, byeee!!!!

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