Emma Packing Her Things Into Her Suitcase

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Emma: *packs her clothes*

Steven: Got a moment?

Emma: I'm busy right now. *still packing*

Steven: Okay.

Brandon: *sighs forlornly*

Brian: Buddy, you okay?

Brandon: Yes.

Iris: Its gonna be okay, Brandon. You can always keep in touch with Emma via social media.

Charlotte: Yeah, like Snapchat.

Brandon: *sadly* Yeah.

Steven: Why the sad face, Peewee?

Iris: Steven, buzz off!

Brandon: *sharply* Not in the mood, Steven!

Steven: Alright, fine!

Emma: *gets her pens and notebooks together*

Time skip....

Emma: *zips up her suitcase* Done!

This story was written on Thursday, August 25th, 2022.

A/N Well, that's it! Emma is already packed! Tomorrow is the day folks. Only thing to do now is take her to the airport tomorrow morning, and see her off. 😞 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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