Nicole Eats Chicken In Front Of Spice!

11 4 9


South Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Nk_works: *eating chicken in front of Spice*

Spiceseeker: Why are you doing this?

Nk_works: *still eating in front of him* You left your wallet at home, and I refuse to spot you! You eat too much chicken anyway! *smirks*

Spiceseeker: This is ridiculous! Stop this! This isn't fair!

Nk_works: Heck no! I'm having way too much fun! *still eating in front of Spice and looks outside to see me and Bob Kickball entering Domino's next door* Get a pizza, Spice!

This story was written on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022.

A/N This is too hilarious!!! Nicole eating KFC in front of Spice!!! 😅😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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