We Ran Into A Thunderstorm In New Jersey!!

10 2 14

John Fenwick Service Area

New Jersey Turnpike Northbound

Ken: Anyone need to use the restrooms?

All Of Us: Yes.

Ken: Hurry up! *looks up at the sky* Looks like a storm is coming!

Emma: Oh no!

Brandon: *hears a loud clap of thunder* Oh snap!!! *rushes into the service area*

Me: I definitely heard that! *rushes into the service area*

Kyle: Just wow!!

It starts to rain like crazy, nonstop lightning and thunder!

All Of Us: *in the service area while it thunders like crazy outside*

Woman: *getting Burger King*

This story was written on Sunday, August 7th, 2022.

A/N We ran into a storm in New Jersey!! 😬🌩 We better wait it out! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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